Untitled Part 2

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  "I have to ask these questions", he said. "What is wrong with my daughter?" I am now to the point that I can hear pleading in my voice. "Please what is wrong with Carrie?" ...."Ms Harris", he says, "Please I need you to calm down and please come down to the hospital and meet me here at the nurses station on the second floor and I can talk to you here."  I am sitting there glued to my chair and scared out of my mind, and I ask him, "Did my daughter code?" I can't tell you where that came from, but somewhere inside of me I just knew something happened to my child and it wasn't good.  I knew my baby was in serious trouble and Dr. Black wasn't going to tell me anything.  I had to get to that hospital. There was no way that I could drive. My hands were shaking so badly. I was able to get a hold of Kevin my daughters boyfriend at the time and the father of my unborn grandchild and he and I drove the 20 minutes to the hospital. We had no idea what to expect. All we knew was that it wasn't good. Little did I know that my whole world would be change and by the end of that evening my beautiful daughter would be on life support  and my grandson would be gone from us.

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