Episode 3: First trip to the past

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He walked in front of us, his glare uninterrupted. I felt scared of him, because he was very different this time.

I began formulating back up plans and escape schemes so then I could get away from him, but nothing would seem to work up well, I expected him to start his LONG speech of sermon to me after stopping in front of us but he was all silent. I saw Jin Ki gazing at DongHae and he looked back too. There was a quiet moment before DongHae finally spoke.

 "How much do you need?"

 JinKi looked at him, confounded. "What?"

DongHae smirked and took out his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans and looked at him once more. I was startled, and I didn't even know what's going on.

 "Don't give me that look. I know you want money from her." He replied, and he was half-boasting. I gave him an annoyed look, but he ignored it.

 "You’re being stereotype. We just took Tae Pyung out for a walk" Jin Ki replied humbly.

 "Uh, uhm, he's right! DongHae, you're back too soon." I told him, trying to navigate the topic away because I felt there is going to be a huge fight between them.

 "Back too soon? So you're taking this chance to look for another guy?" DongHae questioned, veering his attention to me. I felt nervous because it was different from usual stare. He seemed to be really enraged.

 "No!” I retorted, not knowing what to say next.

 "Didn't hyung tell you not to go out?"

 "He did. But don’t blame him. I was the one who insisted.”

"You're stubborn, Min Jung." He scolded.

I ignored DongHae and stood up to face Jin Ki.

 "Oppa, I should go now. We'll meet again someday." I whispered to him as he smiled, assuring everything was okay and nodded. I bent down to Tae Pyung and gave him one last brush

 "I'll be back. You have to visit me soon, okay?" I whispered to the dog and he barked.

 "Good boy"

 I looked up and saw DongHae looking down on me. I glanced at Tae Pyung and stood up.

 "Since when did you learn to touch dogs?" asked DongHae.

 "It's easy. You can self study how to do it.”

 "I don't want to see you meeting with this guy or his dog again." He whispered. I sensed that Jin Ki looked at me, and he was surprised.

“Don’t hold me in my throat just because I’m about to get married to you!” I screamed and ran away. DongHae seemed to be taken aback and trailed after me, leaving Jin ki alone with is dog.


 I banged my door shut after I got in my room, feeling a little bit annoyed about DongHae. Why does he always have to be the overprotective about me? I mean, come on! I'm not a child any more. Human rights are made so we must follow them.

 I lay down on the bed to rest my weary head as I stared at the white ceiling. The windows were open and the sun was shining brightly as gust of winds trespass my room. I heard the birds’ songs again, and the wind whispering in my ears. I closed my eyes for a nap, hoping this was all a dream...

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