Episode 9: The Break Up. Unexpected Happenings.

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"I'm going to Taiwan tomorrow." He told me.

 My body became startled, and my widened eyes indicated I'm shocked. 

Although I didn't want to look at him,I closed my eyes as I turn around and opened them upon facing Jin Ki. I can see seriousness. I glared at him, puzzled with what he'll do. I paused for a while. 

"Why are you doing this?" I mumbled. 

"I applied for exchange student not long ago but I'm planning to withheld it since you're becoming close to me... and I didn't wanna go far away from you. But since I made such a reckless mistake, maybe I should leave you alone." He explained. I opened the gates and went out to approach him. I stood in front of him, with tears escaped my eyes. 

"Don't you know what you did?" I asked, because I can't hold back my true thoughts anymore. 

"I wasn't thinking that time."

 I began flicking and smacking his shoulders and tears uncontrollably escaped from my eyes. He just stood there and let himself be hit by me.

 "Why did you do that? WHY? Because of you, HeeChul oppa was mad, DongHae and KyuHyun wont talk to me!" I yelled at him while smacking his chest. I calmed down a bit when he began hugging me and calming me. I cried to his shoulders because I felt I was alone the whole day. I felt angry about the person who took the pictures and tried to sabotage me. Every anger, every hard feelings I felt,I let it out in one moment.

 "I'm sorry. You'll know the reason soon. I'm sorry for trying to break you up with your fiance. Please, let me fix this." He whispered into my ears as I calm myself down. I'm ashamed of crying and getting mad with Jin Ki. I put into my mind that he's a human too, with feelings. It's natural to fall in love, but not to kiss a girl who doesn't feel the same way for him.

Suddenly,I heard a car beeped it's honk twice. I pulled away from Jin Ki and I saw a red Mitsubishi Eclipse car shining it's front lights towards us. We got out of the way of the car. I saw the gates were opened by our gardeners and as the car got inside the mansion, and I saw on the opened windows that it was DongHae who was driving. He was glaring at both us at first, but then he looked away  from us when his car began entering the gate. I dried my tears and looked once more at Jin Ki, who also saw DongHae. He looked back on me, with worried look in his face.

 "I'm sorry." He whispered.

 "Please, go home."I mumbled as I slowly walk away from him. I went inside the gate, hoping DongHae wouldn't be furious.

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 I got inside the mansion few minutes ago and I saw no signs of DongHae either HeeChul. I guess they are at their rooms. What will he think about it? He's overprotective at all, and I'm afraid I would break his sensitive heart. I went to the kitchen to grab some juice to drink and decided to go upstairs to the terrace to let the cold wind calm my mind. I need to think about what I should say to DongHae. I don't want to loose my feelings for him since I don't want a marriage without love.

 I arrived at the terrace on the second floor and placed my both hands on the cemented terrace fence. I looked up and saw the vast dark sky filled with sparkling stars that looked like diamonds under the sun. Then, I remembered something, when DongHae kissed me he told me to find the brightest star. I've got to admit I'm hurt this time. Hurt.

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