Chapter Three

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Tim's POV:

Jeordie. That poor guy. I don't even understand why Manson would hit him, let alone, anybody! I wonder if his mother knows. You're never too young to tell somebody's mother, Jesus Christ, he'd get a good ass whooping!

Jeordie and I walk back to the bus. I don't hear much, apart from a few passing cars and Jeordie's soft sobs.

As we step into the bus and near the need to the bunks, I ignore all the looks we get from Ginger and John, and I put Jeordie gently into his bed. Pretty big bed for a small guy.

Jeordie falls asleep soon enough and I just decide to sit next to him. I think he's actually quite cute if you examine him enough. But the most attractive thing I find about him, is his smile.

Jesus Christ

I haven't seen him smile for months. He always looks so miserable and unhappy. I don't blame him though. Manson's not very helpful. At all..

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT KENNETH?!" I hear Manson's voice boom! He doesn't sound drunk, just angry.

"Shit" I mutter to myself. Only ginger and John know I'm here. I quickly pull Jeordie's sheets over my head and press myself against the wall, trying to look unnoticeable.

I can hear Manson's footsteps slowly approaching Jeordie. He suddenly stops. I thought he might've seen me but obviously not, besides, it's pretty dark.

"Jeordie" I hear Manson whisper. He sounds so sad, so sorrowful.

"Jeordie, I'm so, so sorry" Manson sniffs and I hear him sobbing lightly.

"I'm s-" Manson chokes a little before speaking. *im s-sorry Jeord-die. I don't know what I've become." Manson starts to cry more.

I've never heard Manson cry before. Never. And to think he was crying over Jeordie is quite unrealistic for me. Considering he does have a girlfriend. That fucking, Rose Mcgowan. Sweet Jesus, how I hate her. God, she's horrible. She acts like she's got a fucking stick up her ass and her voice sounds like a squawking parrot. I find it hard to believe that Manson can put up with her.

Marilyn finally walks off to what I assume, his bed and throws himself into it. I don't dare move. I guess I'm going to have to stay here for the night


Jeordie's POV:

I'm not asleep.

I know Tim thought I was because I could feel his goddamn eyes burning into my head. Of course he was staring at me


I tried not to cry when I heard Marilyn cry over me. "I'm sorry Jeordie" was all I heard. I tried to block out every word he said to me before I ended up crying. I can still feel Tims hand on my thigh. It's not very comfortable. But he won't move it, is the problem. I shift my leg uncomfortably, but his hand remains. I roll my eyes and roll over so I'm facing Tim

"You wanna keep that hand?" Tim finally moves his hand from my leg, but I don't bother rolling over. His breath on my face is calming and it almost puts me to sleep. But Tim decides to carry on with our quiet whispering conversation.

He pauses
"Would you ever like me?"
Now it's my turn to pause. My mouth is dry of words. 'Would you ever like me?' rings in my head.

Would I ever like Tim? I mean, the only reason why I didn't was because he was able to get into Manson's pants and I wasn't, and because he fucking replaced me, but I re-replaced his ass so.... Win/win.

"Uhm. Yeah, a little"
I can feel Tim nod slowly.
"Okay. Goodnight Jeordie"
"Goodnight whore."

Ginger's POV:

"Tim's up to something, I can smell it" I say quietly to John. John and I were sitting next to each other on the couch in the bus, but up the front so it's harder for anyone in bed to hear.

John nods, agreeing. "I figured. I doubted he would be back here, let alone being near Jeordie." I nodded back. I watched John's expressions change as he thought constantly. "Shit" John muttered eventually.
"What?" I asked curiously. John turned to face me. "He's doing the same thing as Manson" I widened my eyes as if to say 'your point?'

"Okay. When Jeordie was upset or stressed about something, and Manson wanted, let's say sex but he couldn't get it, he would make an act"
I nodded slowly. "Okay keep going"

"Uhm. Well, he would be purely kind to Jeordie and do anything for him for about, uh, 2 hours at the most. He would then gain Jeordie's trust and end up raping him" I nodded again.

I let all of John's words sink into my head and I processed every one of them. I gasped quietly at sudden realisation. "No. No he wouldn't" John shrugged. "If he's acting exactly the way Manson did, he obviously will" I shook my head.
"This is not fair on Jeordie, I don't even know why he decided to come back into the band! I thought he wanted to go with Trent!"
John sighed helplessly and took a sip from his glass of water.
"We thought wrong, Ken." I shook my head. "I'm not gonna keep hearing every single cry and moan that Manson and Jeordie produce. And I'm not watching Jeordie walk around in pain because his asshole had been ripped again!" I snapped. John nodded and took another sip of water.

"I'll help"

A/N: okay, so I had an idea so I wrote it. I think it's gonna get brutal from the next chapter on so BEWARE dudes. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and feel free to Kik me and suggest ideas! I'm very open. Love you all XXXXX

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