Chapter Four

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Tim's POV:

Jeordie may be asleep, but I sure as hell am not.

Yeah. I'm Tim Skold. Ex Guitarist for Marilyn Manson. The known slut and whore to bang everyone in the band.


I'm Tim Skold. Ex Guittarist for marilyn Manson. Not known for who I really am. A predator. A faker. A good one too.

Nobody knows about my little plan that I've been working on lately.

For a short while, I loved Marilyn. I thought he was gorgeous. Sexy and smart, and that someday, I'd be along side him, holding hands and that I'll be with him. But that stupid fucking Jeordie White. He's always in the way. He left the band. Great! I finally had a chance with Brian. I joined the band, and soon enough, our friendship became more than a tight bond. We kissed, and fireworks had been set off throughout my whole body. I felt alive, and I felt happy.

But then Jeordie happened. He found a way to convince Brian that he "had" to come back into the band. That the band wasn't or never will be good enough with only one person such as myself doing guitars, back up vocals, mixing and editing, and playing bass. I helped them all create one whole fucking album, and that album was the best of them all.

But being the dumbass he was, Brian kicked me out and replaced me for Jeordie.

He thought Brian would've changed. Well sorry to say Bucko, he fucking didn't.

Marilyn is the most abusive, violent person I had ever met, and seeing him act kindly or calmly towards someone, is just a fake facade that he puts up for people to believe who he really is not.

Can people not see the menacing smiles he puts up begins their back?! Can nobody but me see all the malevolence gathered throughout his blood, ready to be thrown at somebody, his profanities rolling from his tongue like its nothing at all.

Is everybody except me stupid enough to believe all of his lies? I'm not surprised if I am the only one.

But half of this is because of Jeordie. I blame Jeordie.

All my rage towards him has been slowly building up to a point where it needs to be released. I've kept all my obscene, vile thoughts segregated, but now it's time for them to go.

Jeordie will pay for what he's made me felt, and what he's put me through. He will taste the sickly sweet taste of my revenge, wether he likes it or not.


Ginger's POV:


"John wake up!" I whispered loudly.

It was 2pm in the afternoon, and John is still in bed, but Tim is nowhere to be seen, and so is Jeordie. Marilyn had told me that he would be going off earlier to probably drink and screw some slut. Hell yeah for the rockstar life....

"" I heard John mumble as he slowly began to peel his eyes back, blinking them rapidly to push away the remains of sleep and darkness.

"What do you want Kenneth?" John asked me groggily, lying face down into his pillow, eager to get back to his slumber.

"Tim's gone. And so is Jeordie" John stopped grunting and he rolled over to face me, a serious look plastered upon his skin.

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