April 28: how to save a life

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I did research a while back for a certain disorder, the worse in the spectrum... One that I might have. I don't want to live with that... It's a death sentence itself. It can't be cured, their is no treatment for it. Most of the people with it end up succeeding in suicide. They can't be loved, they can't have friends. It's worse than cancer really. So I'm writing the reasons I'll leave for. I know no one will get this far, but just in case.
I'm leaving simply because I lost myself, I couldn't stop myself from breaking. I tried my best, but I died before I could live. I was simply a walking corpse who took up too much space. Even now, I just wasted everyone's time. A meaningless song, called silence. I wish I died with an excuse... Like cancer. Because people don't understand this kind of thing, they can't because they've actually got a taste of... Love, compassion and true kindness. People like me...aren't supposed to be born. Being forced to live... And never being able to do anything other than exist is inhumane... I was just a burden... I was and meant nothing to them. It was maddening to try. It tore me, I couldn't help myself, but at the same time I have. I gave up on myself, when she left. I gave up the hope of being saved when I saw how they tried to "help". I just want to disappear, yet at the same time, I wanted to give all that I never had. I wanted to give.

To all that has befallen meWhere stories live. Discover now