Summary and Dedications

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There are unnatural things afoot in New Orleans. Shadows lurking, unseen, but their presence is felt by those they watch. The city was once overrun by particular creatures, known as reapers. Slaves of Death with no affiliation with Heaven not Hell, the reapers' sole duties were to move the souls of the departed into the spiritual realm. They served their master in peace until the Angels and Demons found that they could control the reapers if they pleased and use them to gift supernatural abilities to humans-- for a price. For hundreds of years, Death protected his servants as best he could, but with the support of the rulers of the afterlife, he could only hold them off for so long. Contracts are being made once again, and otherworldly powers have once again reared themselves in the mortal realm. Those who make these contracts, Angelborne and Demonkin alike, must find their salvation or fall victim to the fate that befalls only those who have looked a servant of Death in the eyes.

To all those who gave me a character to add to this cast of misfits, thank you. This story goes out to you guys.

(Wish me luck on my first ever OC story!)

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