Chapter 4

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Doris Smith met them at the door and quickly pulled them inside. "Its cold out there." she said, "Get in here and warm up." She smiled at Payton and hugged her tight. "So glad you came by."

Payton had to swallow to keep the lump from forming in her throat. Doris didn't look like her usual self. She looked like she hadn't eaten or slept in a week. and Payton said so.

Doris waved her hand in the air. "Who needs food?" she laughed, "or sleep?"

Payton hugged her again. "Don't you go getting sick on us too." she warned.

"I'll keep that in mind, hun." was all she said as she took them to where Brother Patrick lay in bed in his bedroom.

The room was dark and to Payton smelled like sickness. If she thought Doris had lost sleep and weight she wasn't prepared for what she saw in Brother Patrick. He looked like skin and bones compared to his usual husky form. He wasn't smiling. His eyes were closed and with each breath he took his chest made a rattling sound. Doris walked over and lay a hand on his arm. "You have visitors, dear." she said in a soft voice.

His eyes fluttered open and it took him a couple minuets to focus on them. "Joshua." he said and then looked at Payton, "Pay...." he went into a fit of coughing and Doris helped him sit up and lean over the bed. When the coughing subsided she helped him lie back. and she patted his head.

Doris turned to the other two. "I'll take the children into the parlor and let them play, while you all have a short visit." She took Nate from Payton's arms and called both of the children to follow her.

Payton stepped forward, tears pricking her eyes. He reminded her of Thomas. It had started with a cold and in a matter of a month he was dead. A cold chill ran up her spine and down her arms. She covered her mouth with her hand afraid of how her voice would betray her fears.

Joshua sat down in a chair next to the head of the bed. "Payton wanted to come and check on ya." he said looking up to his wife he took her hand and held it. Then his face turned back at  this man he loved like a father. "Nick has been doing a real good job with services but the congregation isn't coming out well, knowing that you're out of commission and all...."

Brother Patrick lay a hand on Joshua's wrist. "I'm afraid I might be out for good, Joshua." he said his brows drawing in a frown. "I've had Doris go and send some letters out to the big papers that we are looking for a minister. I think....." he sighed and took a deep breath, "Even if I get raised," and he looked over to Payton, "Which isn't very likely, I'm an old man." he winked at her, "I doubt I can  carry the full load of the church. There is a lot more than simply what goes on inside the church building."

Joshua nodded. It was hard to hear that his friend and pastor was dieing. It was what he expected though. He knew that Patrick was aged and with age these things happen. He squeezed the man's hand. "I know God will make a way. Don't you worry. We'll all be okay. Nick is doing a great job right now and I'll try and do all I can to help out."

"I know  you will." Patrick said. His eyes moved back to Payton. "Child, don't look so sad."

Payton couldn't hold her tears back any longer. She broke down and fell to her knees by his bedside. "Oh, Brother Patrick," she cried. "Don't give up...."

Patrick put a hand on her head and patted her, "Shhh, now, doll. God's ways may not always be our ways but they are the right way. He knows whats best. If he decides I'm ready and it's time for me to go I don't want to stay here and maybe miss out on my chance at eternal life. You be happy for me if it's my time. God will help you all through."

Payton felt so silly, crying like a child. She brushed the tears away. "Ok." was all she could say. This man and his wife had been the only ones to reach out and try to befriend her and Thomas when they arrived. And for a long time she had held them at arms length and now she was sorry for that.

Joshua helped her to her feet. "We had better go. Doris said a SHORT visit. I don't know if you caught that or not but I did and we don't want her in here pushing us out. She might not let us in next time."

He held the man's hand a little longer and said goodbye. Payton hugged him and as her hand rested on his she said a quiet prayer for him. That if it was okay, God would raise him up.

They found Doris in the kitchen feeding the children some left over soup. "It's not much but you're welcome to it. There's no meat, just vegetable's. Patrick can handle much more."

Payton thanked her and turned to Joshua, "Should we be leaving?" she asked.

"I don't think it'll hurt to have a bowl of soup with Doris. She might need the company too." He hugged the woman who had mothered him. "He sure isn't looking very strong." he whispered in her ear.

"I know." she said and released him from the embrace and went to fill two bowls of soup. She brought them both to the table and sat down with them. The children had finished up. So she opened conversation with the adults. "How are you two doing?" she asked, careful to watch for any sign of trouble.

"Were good." Payton said taking in a spoonful of soup.

Joshua kept his mouth full and winked at her. When he had swallowed he said, "I have a beautiful wife, three healthy children and couldn't ask for anything more."

Doris nodded, "Well, who knows maybe it'll be four healthy children in another  year?" she looked at them smiling.

Payton didn't know what to say or do so she tried to smile but it never reached more than her lips.

Joshua cleared his throat and took the last bite of his soup. I'll just put this in the kitchen." he said leaving the table.

Doris eyed Payton, "Are you sure everything is okay?" she asked.

"Oh yes." Payton said and before Doris had time to ask anything more Joshua was back;

"As soon as you finish up we had better head home. I have some chores to tend."

Payton nodded and finished her soup quickly.

"Well, what about this pie?" Doris asked.

Joshua rubbed his stomach. "I'm full but thanks. You and Brother Patrick just enjoy it." he went to gathering the children and Payton went to clean up the dishes.

"I'll do that." Doris said, "Your man's ready to go. So you best get." She eyed her suspiciously. "Everything is good?" she asked again.

"Yep." Payton said and turned and left the kitchen.

Doris knew something was amiss with those two she just wasn't sure what it was. 'I'll just have to say an extra prayer for them tonight.' she thought.

They all said their goodbyes and she and Joshua loaded the children into the wagon and they left for their own home.

The Reason For Grace (Sequel to A Reason To Stay)Where stories live. Discover now