Day 3 Practice

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I was able to wake up early today and decided to walk to work. Kyung was already sleeping when I left. I loved walking down my street in the morning, everything was peaceful and quiet and then i'd cross the road to enter the main street. It was filled with cafes so you could see business people bustling in them for a quick breakfast. My favourite coffee store was just down the corner and I went in to grab a latte and catch a bus to work.

I arrived at the office sipping my latte and entered. I walked past the dance studio towards the dressing rooms but as I walked past I heard blaring music and decided to take a peek. I saw the boys dancing like crazy, a camera that was filming and the staff watching them. I saw Hyeong-shi and Vina so I decided to carefully walk past them and tried not to disturb the boys. The staff watched in absolute detail and I did too. They were amazing! They were so in sync and the way they moved and popped their bodies too. Finally it ended and Hyeong-shi gave me a towel to wipe the sweat of their faces. "Which member?" I asked "any" Hyeong-shi replied and passed the towels to Vina and some other stylists and they went of to the members. I went over to Suga since he was free and started wiping his forehead. He looked at me and looked away to drink his water. Hmph rude I thought. I caught a glimpse of the other members staring at us with disappointed faces? Wierd.

I put the towel back and waited for something to do. Jin came over to me with a water bottle. "Hey what do you think of our choreo?" He asked. "It was really nice! You guys are all in sync so it looks amazing and your song too! I love songs that you can just move too" I said and smiled. "I'm happy that you like it and hopefully our fans will too" he said as he shot me a wink and went off. Woah what was that? A strange feeling ran down my spine and I shivered. "Hey girl" I quickly looked up to see a stylist just a bit older than me. "I haven't introduced my self I'm Sam nice to meet you!" I held up my hand and she shook it. "I'm Mi-Cha pleasure to be working with you" I said as I stopped thinking about my wierd shivers. 'To be honest you seemed strange to me when you first walked in because I thought to myself how can such young girl have the skills to get into a company like this? But after seeing what you did with Jungkook i changed my mijd, your great, well see you around!" she waved and went out. That happened too quick and I already hate her, but I have to get along with her. I suddenly felt really wierd, my head was spinning and I collapsed. "Hey I heard some- Mi-Cha!" yelled a voice. I felt hand grab onto me and lean me onto the wall. I opened one eye and It was Jin. I closed them again.

It was dark..

Holy I don't know what happened here I was listening to BTS and probably got distracted XD

You guys can enjoy a little mini problem the main one is coming up soon but idk how to work with oml XD

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