Chapter one

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"So when the atmospheric temperatures rise to a certain degree the damage could be catastrophic," a lecturer stood in front of us, reciting the same phrase over and over again like she wanted people to listen. I certainly wasn't. I was sitting at the back doodling on the back of my textbook.
"Class dismissed" the lecturer exclaims and I rise from my seat, eager to get out of the hot, sweaty smelling room. I file out the door with the other college students and rush down the corridor. I quickly take my phone out of my bag and dial my roommate.

"Hello, Brittany speaking"

"I'll be waiting in the alley, pick me up in five" I say, and I hang up. When I get to the alley, the sight I see is unforgettable. Police cars everywhere. I run over to Brittany's car, a silver gulf and open the door to find a police officer rummaging in the glovebox.

"What are these pills for miss?" He asks waving a bag of transparent bottles full of pills in front of my face.

"No,no,no, that's my medication, I need that!" I say trying to snatch them from his hands.

"Well you don't anymore, we believe that they might be dangerous and we are taking them to a safe lab for testing." He walks toward a van and I chase after him.

"No sir, please" I beg and he brushes it off. "Sir" I call and he gets to the van. Please may God forgive me for this sin I think and chase the man. When I get to him I lift my arm and punch him in the side of the face
"Sorry sir, that is my medication, and I need that" I mumble and take the bag from his grasp.

"Ma'am, your not going anywhere" I turn around and see another cop right behind me and he snatches the pills from my grasp. "You can come with me and explain why you need these pills so much" he says and he turns me around, handcuffs me and walks me to the cop car. This is going to be one hell of a long night.

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