Chapter 1

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It was an average day in Ponyville. The sunlit trees were dancing in the soft breeze. People were everywhere. Some were going to the work and some were street vendors.

Amongst the crowd was Applejack with a tiny, brown duffle bag around her neck. Rarity had sent for her to help her out in making a new dress for her sister's birthday. She knew she wasn't the type of teenager for the job since she strongly disliked dresses. But it felt good to escape home for a while.

She spotted the boutique and went inside. Once she entered, she was hit with a strong smell of new leather. The whole place was filled with beautifully made dresses on mannequins. They ranged from wedding dresses to ordinary ones. They all had different patterns.

"Ah Applejack! I've been waiting for you!"

Applejack turned around and saw Rarity. She was wearing a turquoise dress with red rubies at the neck of it. It was a quarter sleeved dress and it had a sort of criss - cross pattern. It was beautiful.

"Applejack? Are you okay darling?"

Applejack had her gaze interupted by Rarity swing her hand in front of her eyes.

"Uh...yeah! I was just looking at the dress. It's beautiful!"

She quickly responded.

"Oh. Well it is, isn't it? Its for a fashion show I entered. It's being held in Canterlot. And I simply must win!"

"Hey if you don't win then the judges are stupid."

They both laughed.

"So. Shall we get started?"

Applejack slumped onto floor, sweat running down her face. It took sometime but she managed to take down all of the boxes on the shelf. She was cleaning her room and now she's finally done. She gets up and slumps up the stairs. She entered her room and immediately hoped onto her bed. She whipped out her phone to find 2 text messages from pinkie pie.

"Hey Aj! Just wanted you to know that you are invited to my birthday party. Well of course. Anyway the party is tomorrow. So be ready!"
"Ps: bring some money with you."

She honestly didn't want to go but she didn't want to hurt her feelings. Last time that happened....she didn't show a single sign of happiness for a week or two. She put her phone down, picked out her outfit for tomorrow, changed into her pyjamas and tucked herself in bed. Then she felt herself drift of to a well deserved sleep.

Rarijack (FINISHED) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now