Chapter One

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Natalie's POV

All alone. No one. Nothing. Just me. Just me, moping about the house with no one to tell me that everything was gonna be okay. Why did they all leave me? Why did Ryder leave me? I had thought we were close. That he had loved me. Apparently not. No one did. I was all alone, left to fend for myself.

All I could do was dream. Dream of a perfect family. Someone who would care for me and hold me when I needed to be held. But who would? Obviously I was the plague since everyone just left me.

Ryder had been gone for three weeks. No note. No trace of his whereabouts. Gone. His room was as if he had never left it. His window had been open, but I had closed it, my vision blinded with tears. He must have just left. He must have hated me. I had been a burden to him. He always had to protect me. He always had to make sure I was okay. That was why he left.

I was a waste of his time.


The air was cold. I fell from my dream of a family, of people who loved me, to my room—no. This wasn't my room. This wasn't my bed. I looked around, and I found myself staring up into dark oak trees, faint crying emitting from the distance. Crying? Where in hell was this place? I hoisted myself up to a sitting position, my hands meeting with damp grass. I was in...a jungle. A dark, eerie jungle. Either I was dreaming or I had finally gone crazy. This couldn't be real. None of this was. I didn't live in a fantasy. No one could just appear in a random jungle out of nowhere.
I pushed myself up to my feet, staring around. There had to be a way out of the jungle. Or a way to wake up from this dream. I had to find my way back home. I wasn't supposed to be here. Ryder would have wanted me to be a big girl and help myself instead of depending on others. I started to walk, breathing in and out. Be calm. Be a big girl. Do this.

Rustling in the bushes. I immediately stopped short, my heart stopping inside of my chest. I would have asked who was there, but I was too terrified to speak. Dark cloaked figures began to slowly emerge from the shadows, their eyes glinting in the dim light. They completely surrounded me, watching me as if I were their prey. I probably was.

"Well well well," said a tall figure who stepped out from among the others. He lifted his cloak off of his head, revealing blond hair and a malicious smile. He chuckled a little. "Who do we have here?"


hope y'all like it!!

- Sammie

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