Chapter Seven

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Natalie's POV

"Ryder..." I stared up at him, my heart racing inside of me. "What are you... You've been here..? Why..." I didn't understand why Ryder would abandon me for such a horrible place.

"Natalie..." Ryder stared at me with those brown eyes of his, stepping slowly toward me. I didn't move, I was too afraid to. "Natalie he's the Pied Piper."

"The Pied--what? What are you talking about?!" I felt like everything was happening all at once. This was all too much. Peter Pan, Neverland, Lost Boys, me, Ryder, Pied Piper... I didn't understand who I even was anymore.

"Come on, Nat. Sit down, okay?" He took me by my shoulders and led me to my bed, sitting down beside me. He took my hand in his, never taking his loving gaze off me. "Pan has this flute. The Pan Flute. It possesses really dark magic."

I cocked my head to the side, my brain brimming with questions. "What..dark magic?"

"When Pan plays that flute, its music somehow manages certain children. It summons them." Ryder shook his head, biting his pink lip. "Pan says that the only children who can hear the music are children who are...lost."

Lost... That one word rang in my head, making my heart stop. You must be nothing but an unloved, lonely Lost Girl! "Ryder... Did..did that magical music summon you...?" If Pan's music had summoned my brother, then that meant he had been lost. He didn't need me. He didn't feel at ease with me. I wasn't enough for him.

He nodded slowly, and I could see the shame in his eyes. The sadness. The despair. "Yeah.. It did... I heard the music after I made sure you were safe in bed that night. That music did something to me. I couldn't resist it at all. It was calling to me. I couldn;t stop myself from climbing out the window and following it into the woods.

"Pan told me to come with him to Neverland, where I would be happy. I didn't want to, because of you, Nattie, but...I swear he hypnotized me or did something to me with that magic of his. I couldn't say no under whatever spell it was. He told me that in would be safe too. That you would be safe even if I left you to go with him."

I immediately stood up from the bed, tears brimming in my eyes. "He knew... He knew I would come here..." 

"Nattie, I don't know. I don't know what his plans are, but..." He bit his lip once again, and it looked as if he had guilt in his expression. Like he was deciding whether or not to say something. "I know he seems really scary. I mean, he is. But Felix is his best friend. That tall blonde guy? Yeah. He said that Pan does have a good side. There's goodness in him, just not a lot. He just doesn't show it." 

"Why are you telling me this, Ryder?"

He stood up now, standing before me, taking my hands into his. "Because I love you, baby sister. I hate it when you're scared like this. It scares me. I want you to feel safe. I know it's scary. But please, I promise you'll be okay. I'll protect you. I never wanted to leave you, Nattie. I wanted to stay with you and take care of you.."

"Why are you lost, Ryder? I thought you had me to fall back on. You had me..." The tears finally escaped my eyes, trailing down my cheeks.

He closed his eyes before opening them once more. "Because... because I didn't know how I was going to take care of you by myself. I was lost because I was afraid I would mess up and lose you too. You were all I had, and I was so terrified of being completely lost forever."

All I did was throw my arms around him in a bear hug, never letting him go. "I love you so much, Ryder... Don't leave me again... Please..." I finally broke down, sobbing into my brother's shoulder. 






Sammie <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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