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***1 sentence made a change!I kept hearing "Yes!" And wondered what it would be like to work for my ex-husband

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1 sentence made a change!
I kept hearing "Yes!" And wondered what it would be like to work for my ex-husband.
This was a serious decision I made. I hope I won't regret it one day because I am doing all this for the sake of my family.
I stood there speechless waiting for what will happen next... worried... and scared.
Scared the one year won't be enough. Scared I'll die with a broken heart. Scared I won't find my daughter.
Scared Jorge will never let me explain what happened.
I want to be the women Jorge fell in love with!
Suddenly I heard snapping. I focused my sight and saw Jorge waving at me.


"What's your name? And do u want me to take you visit the house?" He asked.
"I'm... I'm... Tini." "And yes with pleasure."
"Tini? Um............ that name sounds familiar... but I can't remember from where.................................................well.... let's get going!"


He seems to kinda remember something from me. That's a good sign!

A sudden flashback came to me.

-to the night we met-
I remember every detail. He was wearing a tux with a red tie. He looked so hot and handsome. And I was wearing a simple red dress. And from the first time we saw each other we were never apart forever.
"Hello my name is Blanco. Jorge blanco! And what's your name beauty?"
I blushed.
"I'm Tini"
"What a beautiful name that suits your cute blush."


"C'mon let's go."
We arrived to the house. I had to see the same pic with the sign Blanco family. I hope I could just throw that away! Jorge opened the door with his keys and gestured to me to go in.
I followed his lead. The whole house has changed... probably the changes of that LADY. I wish I could change her. It was painted with pale colors and decorated with simple stuff. Then I was lead to a room.
"This room is where you will stay. The kitchen is a room away. Now settle down. Don't you have any luggage? Any clothes? Nothing?"
"Well... ummm..... actually.... I don't."
"I have some old clothes in this house that would suit you if you don't mind."
"Of course! And thank you."
"That's the keys to the room it's the first one to the left. You'll find everything you need there including clothes"
"Okay thanks again!"


I wonder who those clothes are for and what's that mysterious room. There is more for me to discover than I expected.
He walked out. I examinate the room. White walls. A fan. A bed and a closet. Okay... not bad...
I sit on the bed and recognize Jorge's smell on it. I guess it was his before. I took a small nap smelling his smell and remembering the nights we slept side by side. I would sleep between his arms and smell his smell all night. His smell was an aroma to my nose. A perfume that had unknown ingredients. This moment was magical. I slept with a relaxed mind because I felt his presence beside me.
I felt a war of butterflies in my stomach. The same effect I had years ago. Jorge was the only cause to this effect.


I woke up to the sound of birds singing combined with an amazing summer breeze and enchanted with a magical aroma.

Suddenly I heard an angelic voice coming from the closet.
"You are smart Tini. You found a way to be close to him. That's clever. Keep going. And remember ONE YEAR......"

It was a relief to hear that! I took the right decision!


I went for a some air and I saw something that made me surprised.
I saw all my friends and family gathered around a coffin(where a dead body is buried). I looked closer and saw that "R.I.P. Tini" was written on it.
I was attending my own funeral! How is this even possible?
I heard the angelic voice again coming from the bushes.
"For these people you are dead. Jorge and anyone needed in your mission can only see you."
That was so surprising...
I never thought what it would be like to attend my own funeral.
I thought after all the problems and fights no one would come. But everyone did.
The tears flowed down my cheeks and dripped from my chin. I just stood there like a statue unable to talk. I was standing there behind the bushes admiring everyone in tears because they lost me. They were all painted in black from sadness in a state I have never seen them in before.
It was so touching to see them sad and devastated because they lost me. It showed they really cared and loved me. And all this time I thought of them as my enemies. As people that didn't understand me in a time they understood me more than myself.
Mechi was in the car with me when the accident happened. I saw her there too. She stood and started talking.
"Tini... my soulmate... it makes me sad to be standing today in front of your coffin today. Knowing the fact that your actually dead makes me want to cry forever. You have always been like a sister to me. The best news was to hear we were gonna live together for a while. Right now I feel like a part of me is dead because you always had a special place in my heart and it will last forever. I met you when we were in school and just thinking of the memories we shared will devastate me even more so I better let Ruggero her brother continue ..."
"Tini... my sister... what can I say... I wasn't ready for this... I wasn't ready to lose you... I wasn't ready to wake up every morning and not see you invite me for breakfast... I wasn't ready to lose the person that meant the most for me. I thank you for being that sister everyone wished they had. I thank you for giving us 23 amazing year with your company. "
"Could I say a word?" Someone said.
"Of course Francesca!"Mechi answered
"Tini... I was working in Italy when I got a phone call. A phone call no one wants to hear. I can't digest the fact that you won't be here anymore. That makes me regret leaving to Italy. That makes me regret that I could share more moments with you and cherish every second but I didn't. That makes me regret I wasn't here when you called your daughter after me. Now I'm here. And I'm not going back. I can't go back and feel guilt. Everytime I'll step in Italy I'll regret it. So I won't make that mistake ever again so I won't regret anything anymore. You made me realize my mistake and I thank you for that... i hope you forgive me. I love you so much ,Tini."

My dad and mom stepped forward.
"Tini... our lovely daughter... it's the hardest thing for parents to be at one of their children's funeral. It's heartbreaking to know that what we gave life to... died. It's sad to know that someone we gave life to at a moment of love died at a moment of sadness."
My mother says:
"I have cancer. I have been suffering from long but I never told you. I didn't want you to be sad. But after many treatment all the tumors where removed from my body forever. I just want to tell you a story. Once in surgery I was feeling pain. The strongest pain I felt in my life. The nurse always asks me of a scale from 1 to 10 how much is the pain. Sometimes it was 1 , 2 , 5 ,8...
That time I was so much in pain I gestured 9 with my fingers. I was saving my 10. Today I am feeling the 10. I reached the highest pain ever..."

"What are you doing here? who's funeral is it?"

Writing this tbh made me cry.
Hope you enjoyed it!
So sorry for taking a long time.
- Pearl
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