Moving On

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*Mia's Point of View*
     The rest of the Disney day was spent with Kylie all over Julian. Like...can't you get the hint he doesn't like you! Kayla was flirting with Mario but he wasn't buying it either. And the fact that I have to hang out with those spoiled stupid brats tomorrow just to make Rose happy is sickening. UG!
-In the car-
     Finally! We survived! Uh that was like a death trap waiting to happen. They're SO annoying. And Rose still didn't get the hint! I was sitting next to Blake when his phone went off. It was a text from a girl named 'Megan' her emojis were 😍😚👑. She texted him and said lets go somewhere tommorw. I quickly looked away when Blake looked up from his phone and said, "Hey. I'm gonna pass on the beach tomorrow if that's ok." Everyone said he could. Who is this Megan girl. And why is she taking him? I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy inside. I fought back tears. I tried to remind myself I had Julian but Blake was my first love. And he got over me so fast. But if he moved on than that means I have to move on. I took a deep breath and the tears sizzled away. I was so tired of crying. So tired of the pain. The heartache. And everything else.
       I changed into my pajamas and checked my phone 2:35 am. Well I guess considering the fact we left Magic Kingdom at 1:00 explains why it's so late. Or would it be early? I don't know this whole thing confuses me. I brushed my teeth and combed through my hair. Julian was already laying on the sofa bed. "Hey." He said when I laid down next to him. I smiled. "Don't worry about Kylie k? All I want is you. You don't have to worry about her. I promise. I love you and only you."
"I love you too." I answered.
"K let's go to bed before I pass out in the middle of the conversation." He said laughing. I kissed him on the cheek and then he wrapped me in his arms. They were like a warm blanket. And within seconds I was asleep.

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