A/N & Mini Chapter

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Hey guys! So today and tomorrow I am just going to be doing mini chapters because of recital :) So since this book will be ending next week (I have 4 days to finish it) and I need to start low key wrapping it up I have to do a time skip to about 1-2 months later. I hope you guys don't mind! 😊

*Mia's Point of View*
     "I mean, it's just like I hear him." I explain to Lyla. It's been 3 weeks since Blake and I got back together. People would call be crazy knowing what he did to me in the past. But everyone deserves a 2nd chance. I was too quick to judge the fact that he changed without finding out why. I explained to Lyla that at 11:11 pm every single Wednesday I here Austin. Whether it's him liking one of my photos on Instagram or seeing him and in my dreams. He did say he would always still be here.
"I know. We better serve dinner before the boys get restless." She replies. I muster out a small giggle and follow her into the dining room. We place the dinner on the table and I sit next to Blake. "So Mia I heard your birthday is coming up next week." Joe says. I smile shyly and nod, looking down at my pasta.
"Speaking of your birthday-" Blake starts. He hands me an envelope with my name written on the front with cursive writing. I give him a confused look. "Consider it a..early birthday present?" He says with a wide smile. I open the seal to reveal its contents.

Two plane tickets. I bring the ticket closer to my face so I can read the small writing.
One way ticket to Midtown Manhattan New York City. Leaves 8:00 am.
I gasp. I've always wanted to go to New York. And he knows that.
"Oh my gosh! Blake!" I throw my arms around his neck and hug him. He hugs me back. I try handing him the other ticket but he pushes it away. "I have my own." He pulls one out of his pocket.
"So then what's this one for?" I ask.
"I thought you might wanna bring a friend. I'm bringing Nat." Without a doubt my mind shoots directly to Ashlee. We pull out our phones and text them.
"Well it's offical! June 20th we are going to NEW YORK!"

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