Chapter 3: I swear he's just a friend, Len!

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I sat at my desk, waiting for class to start. Japanese class to be specific. I wanted to talk to Yuma again, but I couldn't. I'd seen him this morning in English, but he came in late and after class I had to leave quickly since my next class was on the other side of the school, so I didn't get time to talk to him. I wonder if he even wants to talk to me again? Or if he only talked to me at the dance because I was alone and he was bored? My thoughts were interrupted when someone sat at the desk next to mine.

"Good morning," he said, with a grin.

It was Yuma. I guess he really does want to talk to me? That's exciting! I said good morning back to him with a smile.

"Do you like anime?" He asked.

"Yes! Well, I mean it's-it's not the reason I'm interested in Japan or anything, I mean I like the culture too if that's what you're asking..." I said, suddenly nervous, "I'm not a weeaboo or anything," I mumbled. He laughed.

"It's okay, I'm not accusing you. It's actually part of my reason for being interested so I have no right to judge."

"Part of the reason?"

"Yeah! Maybe I'll tell you the rest another time. I don't really want to now."

", um, what's your favorite anime then?"

"Ah, mainstream stuff. You know, Attack on Titan, Death Note, those ones."

"Oh, I like those too! My favorites are probably Black Butler or Hetalia though."

"Isn't Black Butler yaoi?"

"N-No! The fandom seems to think that though...." He laughed again when I said this.

"So how's school for you? Your classes aren't too hard are they?"

"I'm doing pretty good, I think. Math is the only thing I struggle with. I'm actually in algebra 1 with the freshman...."

"Really? I'm good at math. I could help you?"

"That'd be great! But...wait...I don't want you to think I'm using you like Miku and Neru."

"Nah, it's fine don't worry. I'm offering."

"Then I'd love help. Thank you so much!"

After school I threw my backpack down in my room and went to talk to my mom who was doing dishes. Yuma and I had planned a time when he could help me with math and now I need to get permission.

"Mom, can I have a friend over tomorrow?" I said.

"Which friend?" She asked. She looked at me for a second, then back at the dishes.

"Yuma." She looked puzzled.

"Is that a boy's name or a girl's name?"

Before I could answer Len suddenly popped in and said, "It's a boy's name and I'm suspicious of her wanting him over! They were pretty close and cuddly at the dance. Are you dating him, Rin?"

"No, that wasn't my fault! He was teasing," I said. My mom looked interested in knowing more of what Len was talking about, but she didn't ask him.

"Is he a friend or a boyfriend, Rin?" she asked.

"A friend!"

"And why do you want him over?"

"He's going to help me with math because he's good at it, that's all."

"And when did you say?"


"Hmm...yes, that should be fine. I don't have anything to do tomorrow. I want you to introduce him to me before you do anything, okay?"

"Sure. I will."

I was relieved she said yes easily, instead of making it into an argument about chores and things. As I was about to leave she stopped me.

"What does he like to eat? I'll make it for dinner," she said.

"I don't know. I'll text him and ask." I pulled out my phone.

"Wait," Len said, "you have his number? I thought you didn't like giving people your phone number when you don't know them very well?"

"I don't. But I had to this time. He said he needed it so I could tell him if mom said yes so he'd know to tell his parents."

"Smooth," Len whispered as he left the room.

I shook my head and went back to my room. I texted Yuma to tell him my mom said it'd be okay and asked what food he liked. The next day after school the two of us, Yuma and I, met Len by his locker so all of us could walk home together. As we were walking over I saw Gumi with him. He kissed her and then they waved to each other as she left.

"So, you must be Yuma?" Len said when we reached him. He had his usual grin on his face.

"Yes, I am," Yuma said, "and you must be Len. I've heard you're annoying. I like that." Len laughed.

"I like him, Rin. For your first time making a friend all by yourself you did a good job!"

"And I can see why you consider him annoying," Yuma said.

Both of them laughed this time. Len finished grabbing his stuff from his locker and we went outside to start walking. I took a deep breath of fresh air, happy to be out of the stuffy school building.

"Hey, Rin, I just saw my ex-girlfriend. Can I hold your hand to make her jealous?" Yuma said, as we were walking.

When he said this I was surprised for a second and a little embarrassed. Does this mean he considers me cute enough to make another girl jealous? When I looked around and saw no other girl I realized it must be a trick. Still, a trick to hold my hand....

"I saw that tumblr post and I won't fall for it. If you really did see her and she cared at all she'd be jealous just seeing you with another girl so it makes no difference," I said.

"You got me," he said with a laugh, "anyway, you guys must live pretty close to the school if you walk home?"

"Yeah. It's only about a five minute walk."

"Oh, cool! I was a little worried it'd be far." He laughed again.

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