Chapter 6: You Are Not Allowed to Like Him

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I was very lonely at school. Yuma had stayed home sick today and that gives me no one to talk to in most of my classes. I missed Yuma a lot. Missing him led to trying to find distractions. Since I couldn't use concentrating in class as a distraction I ended up thinking about Kaito. He was sitting across the room from me and didn't notice me staring. I noticed my staring though, and I forced myself to look away. I still think he's cute...but otherwise I'm over him. I just keep thinking I was so stupid to tell him I liked him to begin with. Now I feel like I like Yuma. I can't stop thinking about him. But there's no way I'd act on it because I don't know for sure if that's how I really feel; it could just be his flirty personality that's causing these feelings, or the idea of having a boyfriend, that's what it was with Kaito.

Going to algebra made me feel a lot better. I didn't feel lonely because Len and Gumi were there and it was a good distraction from thinking about Yuma or Kaito. Or I thought it would be a distraction.

"Normally Yuma walks you to class. Where is he today?" Gumi asked, first thing.

"It's a little weird that he does too considering his class is at the other side of the school. He's probably late everyday because of walking you," Len said. I hadn't thought about that and decided to ask him later.

"He's sick today," I said, "I'm going to his house after school to bring him his homework."

"Really? Are you walking? It's a lot farther than our house and the way back home afterwards will be even farther."

"I'll be fine."

"No, you're too cute to walk so far alone," Len said, seeming worried, "I'm coming with you."

I was a little reluctant but agreed to letting him come. I don't see what he thinks the problem is.

"Aw, it's so cute how much you worry about your sister!" Gumi said as she hugged Len. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I'm glad I make you happy," he laughed. We all moved towards our seats and sat down.

"You know, I wish Yuma would ask you out, Rin. I like him a lot better than you liking Kaito," Len said randomly. It surprised me.

"He has a couple times, but she keeps brushing it off as a joke," Gumi said. She sounded annoyed.

"That's not true! He said he doesn't like me like that and he admitted to joking around!" I cut in. Gumi didn't seem to believe it.

"Sure he'd say that," Len said, "because you keep friend zoning him so hard."

I wanted to respond and tell Len to leave it alone, but before I could say anything the teacher started class so I had to be quiet and pay attention. At lunch Len and Gumi and I all sat together. Normally Yuma would sit with us, but of course, he's not here today. About halfway through lunch Miku came and sat by us. It was surprising to me. Why would a popular girl want to talk to us?

"Where's Yuma today?" She asked. I answered but she didn't hear me and only stared in confusion.

"He's sick," I said, louder.

"Oh! Perfect. He won't hear our conversation. So, I need to know, are you dating him?"

"Huh? N-No, I'm not."

I thought it was a little sudden for her to ask that. If it was someone I knew better I'd get annoyed like usual, but from her I was just surprised. What does she care anyway?

"Good," she said. "Do you like him?"

I probably do and I probably don't but she doesn't need to know that.

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