Chapter One

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She looked around the street and found it empty. She signaled to the rest of her group.


She pulled the fabric covering her face higher. No need for the cameras to capture her face.

The group moved with swift accuracy. As if they had done this a million times.

The youngest stepped forward reached his hand forward towards the electrically controlled doors. Small short sparks of electricity jumped from his fingers and into the doors.

The doors slid open and the group moved forward to find the guards already knocked unconscious.

A second girl formed from thin air, her short stature standing proudly in front of the guards.

She signaled 'all clear'

The others nodded and began to make their way to the master computer system.

Once in the room one of them spoke, his voice disfigured as if it was being run through a voice modulator "We need to hurry, we've got about 40 minutes until the shifts change."

The first girl pulled out a computer and plugged it in and got to work. Her fingers moving across the keys at an incredible speed. She looked to one of the boys her voice disguised as well " Finish hacking, quickly," and than she added "and don't catch it on fire!"

The boy she had directed her comment at rolled his eyes and took her place at the computer his fingers pressing keys at a unfathomable speed.

Suddenly a rat appeared next to the other girl, and then it suddenly turned into a person.

"How many guards are there?"

He sighed and pressed a button on the mask he had his voice coming out as if he had inhaled helium with every breath he took "About 30 on floors 1-4 I'm surprised we were able to take out the ones here and get through."

The girls nodded as the last boy stood away from all of the technology.

The younger girl snapped her fingers in her direction " ey Sparky, make sure not to touch anything. And knock out anyone who comes in here."

He nodded but glared at the girl for the nickname he had earned.

~across town~

He stood on a roof overlooking the town he protected. Not bothering to worry about himself, or his company.

He heard rapid beeping come from his pocket and he picked up his pager.

'Security Alert! Security breached at 11:45pm , security risk level: EXTREME'

He put his pager back in his pocket and picked up his phone and dialed a number "Robin, get to Wayne Enterprises. I'll meet you there."

~back at Wayne Enterprises~

"Espacio del Payaso, do a perimeter check, I've got a bad feeling." The younger girl commanded.

He nodded and shifted into a small rat and ran through a vent into the wall.

The other girl shivered "Bête Noire you know I hate when he does that." Her voice sounded gargled and sharp.

Bête Noire shook her head "Ghost, just be glad he's minding himself." She looked over to the boy on the computer "Neuron how's it going?"

He shook his head "just a few more minutes and we're golden." His voice horse like a chain smokers due to the disguise.


The final boy turned to her "what?" His voice sharp and laced defiance but that defiance was unrecognized by any in the group.

"When we're done wreck the system, I'll clear the rest of our information from a safe location."

He looked around "How badly do you want it wrecked?"

Bête looked over the large computer system. "I want them to recognise it as something we did but don't mess it up to the point where I can't get back in."

He nodded "So you want a blackout?"

The others groaned.

Bête nodded "yes a blackout."

You could see the smiled behind his mask.

A sudden beeping came from Bête's computer.

Bête rushed over and pushed Neuron aside. Her hands typed furiously at the keyboard. She sighed "Someone tried to hack into my system." She looked at the amount of money they already had transfered. They had come so far they just needed a few minutes.

"Ghost, Neuron. We need a distraction."

The siblings nodded one disappearing into thin air the other taking off in a burst of speed.

She looked at Blackout "Keep watch please."

He looked at her and shook his head "Quit bossing me around."

Bête smiled "Thanks Blackout."

She heard the door open and then shut as he walked out of the room.

She played with the poison darts on on her bracelet counting them out of habit. Counting had become a way for her to relax.

"40" she sighed as she counted the last dart on her left wrist.

Her head turned as electricity flowed through the room.



She turned to her computer and smirked, the transfer of money was done.

She pressed her ear piece "It's done, let's get out of here."

She grabbed the computer and put it in her bag when the door flew open.

She swore as a shape glided across the floor, it's face covered by a mask the ears pointed like a cartoon bat.

She pressed button on her mask changing her voice.

"Batman" her voice was low and clear, void of any of the fear her real voice was filled with.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours--"

Before he could say anything else the system and all the lights went out.

Bête smiled "Adieu Batman"

She crosses her arms and took out one of the darts and shot it straight at the only skin showing. And she never misses.

It stuck and he was instantly on the ground paralyzed.

Bête walked over and took out the dart "Jusqu'à ce que nous nous reverrons"

And with that she walked away unscathed. Or so she thought.

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