Chapter 2

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They ran as far as they could without stopping.

"Are you sure we aren't being followed?" Blackout asked.

Now that they were outside their outfits could be plainly seen.

He wore a darkly coloured hoodie and jeans. His shoes made with untraceable soles on the bottom. His mask covered in designs of electricity and power.

"Wouldn't know." Bête Noire replied quickly. She wore a cover similar to a headdress with a face cover. Her shirt black and void of any design, and dark jeans with similar shoes to Blackout.

Neuron circled back to the group "Ghost is clear she got out. She'll catch up soon enough." He wore a dark hoodie with a grey mask, dark pants and specially made shoes that are compatible with his speed.

The group stopped to talk.

Bête nodded "We'll meet at the rendezvous point."

Neuron nodded and disappeared with a flash.

Bête looked around "Blackout I need your help."

Blackout nodded and walked towards her "What is it?"

She pointed towards her leg "There's a tracker on my leg and if I try to remove it I believe it will set off an alarm of some sort. So will you please electrocute me."

Blackout smirked behind his mask "No problem!"

Bête handed her bag to espacio del payaso. "Drop it, and I'll kill you."

Espacio del Payaso wore a darkly coloured poofy jacket with clown pants and clown shoes. The team hated his outfit.

Blackout rubbed his hands together making sparks of electricity flash off his hands. "Ready?"

Bête just looked at him "Do it."

~ time skip to the next day ~

Marcey looked at Ethan and poked Alfie.

'Open the team mind link'

Alfie nodded 'Marcey has something to say. '

The others sighed. They knew Marcey liked to talk during church because she got bored but this was out of hand.

Maria responded 'What is it Marcey? I'm trying to listen to the pastor. '

Marcey played with the string on her shirt. 'I am concerned'

Ethan rolled his eyes 'With what you have nothing to be concerned about?'

Jason nodded 'I am as well, Marcey was bugged with tech that Batman had, it couldn't have been dealt with as easily as it was. '

'My point exactly, I'm worried he is still tracking us. '

Ethan shifted the way he was sitting 'It was only a matter of time until we got caught you know'

Marcey glared daggers at him. 'Ethan it's almost as if you want us to get caught!'

Ethan tsk and then looked behind him, his eyes dead serious 'Seriously Marcey?! Why would I want to be caught? We all agreed to do this and besides you said we could back out whenever we wanted to. '

Marcey smiled there was no reason to be worried. Well actually there was always a reason but that didn't matter at the moment.

For now the group was safe. Or so they thought.

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