Chapter 7: The Moves

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~Yes I know what your thinking....WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE THE CHAPTERS!!! well I'm so very sorry bout dat. I've been busy I'll really try to write more I promise anyways enjoy this chapter!~

Red: Hey wanna mess around and flirt with Ross too? To mess with Adam and max.

Barney: Heh. Yass count me in..Chikaler Bong Bong.

Red: *light hits Barneys Shoulder* Dude look over there!

I walked out of my office and saw Red and Barney leaning against a wall. They were wispering staring at me. That's when Red said one last word over his shoulder to Barney as he walked towards me.

Red: Hey has anyone seen this cutie over here! Wow man! Is it just me or is it hot in here! *winks*

I stood there speachless. what just happened?!?! Red Casually walked past me without another word. I looked over at Barney who had a huge grin on his face. He was holding back laughfter. I blinked a few times and turned my head. I must have not heard a office door open in the mix because now Adam and Max stood furious watching Red walk away. Barney grined then swayed over to me.

Barney: Mans Red it right! It's a gettin hotter by da's Mintutes.

He boobed my nose then walked over the Red. I flung my arms into the air and screamed

Ross: I'm done! I'm done! I'm done!

I kept my arms and kept repeating as I grabed my wallet and car keys. I felt someone tug on my sholder and I turned to see Adam.

Adam: Come on don't leave, we need you here.

Max: Yeah Ross..

I was done with people flirting even if they were cute but I needed to leave.

Adam: And you also still have to record gmod murder with me.

Ross: Ughh fine.

Adam let go of my shoulder and I walked into my office. What is my's so... confusing. I sighed and Sat down swiveling back and forth. I let my mind wonder.

~Time skip to da gmod recordin!~


I screamed as a knife is thrown at my back.

Ross: ADAM!

Adam: It wasn't me!

Max: Oh I don't know maybe it was the person with the knife.


Red: Oh m-man I died.

Adam: See max is the murderer! *gets stabbed*

Max: phht not.

Adam: *new round starts* I'm not the murderer.

Ross Red & Max: Adams the murderer

Adam: So not!

Ross: Well as long as i don't die- *dies* ADAM!!

Red: Wow Adam you killed the Adorable kid, nice going.

Max: Yea Adam how could you. You killed the cute Narwhal.

Ross: ...

Adam: I'm sorry! I couldn't help but not be the one to kill the hot nerd!


Max Adam & Red: *laughs*

Adam: Well anyways guys I feel this is a good time to end this video so click that like button and I'll see you guys next time! *logs out of gmod* I guys that was a good one!

Max: Yeah but ever im signing out

Skype vocie: User left your channel

Adam: Yeah bye guys

Skype vocie: User left your channle.

Ross: I bye red-

Red: Wait!

Ross: What?

Red: give me a sec.

I sat waiting for him to speak to find it silent on the other end. That's when I felt somthing brush against me cheek.

Red: Wow really are adorable *kisses cheek*

I sat stunned. I felt heat creep into my face.

Why is it me that everyone is flirting with.......

~K guys that's all! I'm so sorry I really havn't been writing. I'm trying to still write. I will come on and write a few paragraphs then leave then come then leave so it doesn't always get done so quickly. I think I might make a new book..I'm not quite sure but stay tuned for that! Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you next time!~

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