어린애 (Young Love) Part 2

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Hey everyone thanks for reading and waiting!! 😍 This one is really rushed so I apologize if it's kinda all over the place, but I just wanted to put everything from the latest episode here. 😉

Oh and yes, this is a continuation of the previous fic.

Love you all!!💙


Second day of filming our music video. Honestly, it's not even filming. No scripts, no lines, whatsoever. We just went to her old school--in school uniforms as she wished--and now we're on our way to the amusement park.

If there's one thing that has been stuck on my mind, that would be that basketball sunbae of hers.

No. I'm not jealous. It's just that, why does she have to talk about him right in front of me? It makes my insides boil up and I take a deep breath as an attempt to hide it.

I thought she was joking at first, trying to make me jealous, but it seems like she really wants to talk about it. Why would she?! When it was only two days ago that I actually manned up and had the courage to do our first kiss? I just don't understand it...

Of course, none of the staff knows about what happened so I just try to act casual. I don't know about her.

"Now that I think about it, she didn't say anything when I kissed her. Is this her way of making it clear to me that what we have is only for the show?" He thought, and a strange pang hit his heart and he winced at the feeling.

"Oppa, gwaenchanha?" She asked as she nudged him after sensing that he hasn't said a thing throughout the ride.

Sungjae realized that he was thinking about it for too long, and the best thing he could do right now was to be himself. His old self.

"Of course! Pabo-yah, I was just thinking what ride would scare you the most so we can go on that one first."

And that did the trick. The usual banter between the couple was back.

But on his side, he still can't forget everything that she told him about her first love.

After a while...

They sat beside each other on their first ride. He was happy to be with her, almost forgetting everything that bothered him, when she suddenly blurted out, "Actually I have a bad memory of this. I felt sick while I was following someone I like during middle school!"

He felt like his heart was being slowly crushed by an unknown force. He couldn't help it and said almost too forcefully, "Why do you have many memories with men?!"

And her response did not make anything better, "I followed someone I liked when I was in 1st year..."

At this he burst. He couldn't hide it any longer. "Yeah! The man you liked in 1st year, then 2nd year, then 3rd year, really?!"

It was obvious that he was jealous. He just couldn't admit it to himself yet. He sincerely hoped she was lying about those memories.

She noticed him tense up when he kind of shouted at her, and she felt bad. Slowly, she reached out her hand and asked for his.

He gladly took it, smiling like an idiot once her hand fit perfectly in his.

At the top of the ride, he asked what her wish was. He was unsure whether she was disstracted by her fear, or she actually meant it, but her answer nearly caught him off-guard.

"Oppa, saranghae."

He immediately responded, concealing his fluttering heart with the childlike voice, "Nado saranghae!"

But he meant that. He really did.

After the amusement park, they went by the river.

"Oppa, do the next step. Like the one you did in the washroom."

He knew that he can win this one. He knew exactly how she wants it.

"If I approach you like this, you'll react." He quickly leaned towards her, with inches away from her face.

And sure enough, she froze. It triggered the memory of their first kiss. And her heart was beating fast once again.

She tried to hide it by asking him if she wanted him to see a cuter side, and he did not refuse.

She tucked her face into his uniform and smiled up at him.

Of course he liked it! But the thought of her sunbae struck him once again.

"You did this with that man you rode the ride with, didn't you?"

"Ani. I was wrong in telling you that. He doesn't know that I like him!" She responded as-a-matter-of-factly.

"I do!" He said. He can clearly see how much she liked the guy. She has been talking about him for the whole freaking day, which is the reason why he's been mad! "I know that you like him. Why were you telling me all that if you didn't?"

"I have no intention to make you jealous. I just said that because I was scared."

"I'm also not jealous!" "I was mad that you kept on talking about him when I know you like me too." He added to himself.

"You're not jealous at all?" She asked, somehow disappointed.

He nodded.

"Do you like me?" She asked.

His eyes searched hers and nodded his head as sincerely as he could.

"But why aren't you jealous?"

He took a second to find the right words and said, "Because you like me too."

He knew that that silenced her. He won her over this time. He laughed at how she reacted to his statement.

"Then hug me." She said adorably.


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