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This is only a small sample sort of chapter for book 2 - I'm not sure if it'll stay the same or what. I just felt like writing it up.

I won't work on the story more until I finish Easy Does It - but since Levels of Love ended at such a weird point I just wanted to show you guys where my line of thinking is. :) 

Media is Junhoe with the MNet Award because it always gives me a laugh!! XD 


~~~~~~~ ♥  

I've always have the same dream every night, for as long as I can remember. I know it's the same dream yet can never remember even the tiniest glint of colour from it. Not the slightest word spoken or movement made. Sometimes I lie in bed for hours after waking up, trying to remember something. Even the slightest hint of a feeling. But nothing is ever there.

"You're so quiet today, CeCe!" Meli yells in my ear excitedly, "You're not worried, are you?"


I push my half eaten omelette across to her and shrug, "Just tense. Once this Daemon has been killed I can finally marry Lord Jakob in the wedding of everyone's dreams and relax. I can't wait for a break from all the training."

"After you've killed the creature we won't need to train anymore", Meli gives a short cheer before scoffing down the rest of my omelette. "You'll be married with a nice little family, don't give me that look I know you will! I've got two eyes, I've seen how stunning Lord Jakob is."

I give a short laugh, he's easily the handsomest guy to ever exist. Thick brown hair, icy blue eyes and a flawless tan; he stands a head taller than myself and many muscles thicker. The only downside is that he trains relentlessly, with hardly a break, but it's made him the most successful Daemon hunter of all the Fae. He's truly amazing. 

~~~~~~~ ♥ 

"Just to go through it again", Meli shoves all the empty dishes away from us in order to clear a spot on the table. "You'll be here", she jabs at a spot on the table, "On top of that old apartment block we found."

"I get it", I huff in exasperation and rock back in my chair, hardly bothered to pretend to be listening anymore.

"I'll be here", she pokes at another empty spot, "Two buildings over and I'll be watching. Anything creeps up your arse, I'll hook it out." She makes a hooking motion with one of her long, brightly coloured nails and I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"Don't be gross about this. We're just killing this Daemon and getting out."

"You don't get it", Meli sighs, "This is the Daemon. Our ancestors have been trying to kill it for centuries but it's slaughtered all of them. Only now have the Fae been blessed with, well, you. Your magic in the weapons we've invented will put an end to all of this darkness. It's not just a Daemon, CeCe. Our future depends on this."

I roll my eyes and twist a stray curl of hair off my face and back into my loose bun, "I've heard all the stories and I've studied all the rubbish. Let's just do this and get me married."

Meli laughs, "Fine. But you have to promise to help me find a suitor, whether you're pregnant or not."

"Deal", I hold out a hand and we shake quickly. Identical nails flashing brightly under the florescent light of the diner. That's the thing about my soul sister, Meli, and I, we're extremely similar. Both with flowing, brown hair and toned figures as well as an addiction to nail polish and unhealthy food. Meli's petite and dresses to flaunt her figure while also accelerating her piercing blue eyes. I prefer more comfortable clothes over style and tend to steer clear of makeup, letting my large brown eyes be the main feature of my face. I'm also the Princess. Oh, and we're both Fae.

Magic too.


My phone starts to vibrate frantically and I pull it out of my pocket, ignoring Meli's protests of being rude. A single glance at who's calling and my hands start to shake in surprised delight, a chill tingles down my spine and I swipe 'Accept' excitedly.

"Hello?" I say a little breathlessly.

Meli catches the difference in my tone and raises her eyebrows at me, before shaking her head and looking away.

"Hey Princess, how are you?" Jakob's smooth voice hums down the line.

"Ready", I say simply, "How about you? Back from your mission?"

"Almost. Just killed the three but, I'm not meant to tell you this but, the King asked me to stay on Earth until you've finished your mission. Just in case."

I gasp, my own father doesn't believe in me? Never has he shown any doubt in my ability before.

"Really? After telling me this is going to be the easiest hunt ever he's now sending backup? Has something changed?" A touch of worry enters my voice.

"No, no. Nothing's changed", Jakob coos, "I think he's just concerned, like any father would be sending their daughter out to hunt. You won't need my help anyway, I know you and Melody can do this on your own. Just don't think about it, okay? As soon as the thing is in your sight shoot. Hesitation is weakness."

I nod in understanding before realising he can't see me and saying, "Yes. I know. I've never hesitated in training, have I?"

"No. But this is different", Jakob says, "They look like us, they-"

"Alright", I cut him off as my nerves suddenly escalate, "I get it. I spot it, I shoot. Simple."

"Not so much", Meli suddenly interjects, "Just got a message. The target's on the move now, we have to go."

"But Intel said they wouldn't be moving until tomorrow", I gasp.

"What?" Jakob asks.

"Intel was wrong. Or something tipped the Daemon off. Either way we have to go now. There's a thirty minute window."

"What?" Jakob repeats, unable to hear Meli. "Princess CeCe? What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Yes", I finally reply to him after staring at Meli for a few moments. "The Daemon is on the move. We have to go now. I'll call you after, okay?"

"Okay. Good luck. Remember-" he says in a rush.

"Not to think", I sigh, "I know."

"No. That I love you", with that he hangs up.

Leaving me with a deadline and a stomach twisting tighter and tighter in anxiety.

This is really happening.


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