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I AM SO SORRY!!! I thought I'd updated this!! Please forgive me. ;.;

Some BIG paragraphs coming up!! I apologise but this was the best way to structure it I think. 

I don't know if I've already put DAY6 on this story but I'm still loving this song 'How Can I Say' so here it is. It's so catchy!!!  ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬ 

This part is dedicated to elsiefebrio as a thank you for all the support!! 

I've been waiting to use this picture for ages!! Has to be one of my fave Bobby pics. XD

Enjoy! xoxo

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Enjoy! xoxo


I would've had to have been really stupid to not be worried about what exactly the King planned to do with me after dinner. The night is young and he seems more than ready to take what definitely isn't his. I'm panicking to the point of hyperventilating as he leads me down a dark hall and into an equally dark room, strange screams and raspy growls snapping at our heels.

"Stay in here", the King says as he turns back to the door to leave.

"What?" I look around but can't see a thing. Is it a bedroom, a cell or something else?

"You're horrifically rude and I think if I have to spend another second in your obnoxious presence I'm actually going to kill us both so you're going to spend the night in this room and we'll try again in the morning." The King admits with stunning honesty before turning on his heels and heading back into the hallway.

"Hang on!" I call and actually rush to the open doorway behind him. "Is there a light or something in here? I can't see anything."

"Look around and you might find one."

"What about the door?" I ask in general confusion and go to step out after him, "Nothing's stopping me from leaving."

"The door's open but you probably don't want to leave that room", he calls back and my foot freezes inches off the hallway floor. "If you step out you'll get lost in Hell and it's not the nice ones who get sent down here. You won't survive the night."

I retract my foot back into the room and glance around the darkness again. This whole place is so dark.


I look back out into the hall and the second the King disappears from sight I step out into the hall, coming to the decision that I'd rather be killed by some horrible monster or be lost forever then see his disgusting, Hanbin-resembling face ever again. I will never marry that monster or help his plan. I wander at first, following the dark hallways and avoiding the doors which muffle bone chilling sounds until I reach one at the end of the hall. Pressing my ear to the wood I listen carefully and after hearing nothing open it slowly and see nothing so I keep walking. Testing door after door, the silent ones I open and pass through but every single one seems to have the same hallway behind it and I don't know if I'm getting anywhere or wandering in circles. I round a corner and suddenly see something moving up ahead but it doesn't look like the deformed monster I expected to stumble into and be killed by. It actually looks a lot like Bobby. I only catch a quick flash of his side profile as he cross the hallway and heads into a door up ahead but that jawline and floppy crimped hair? I'd recongise it anywhere. I pick up my pace and cautiously follow him into the surprisingly well lit room, blinking black spots out of my eyes as he whirls around.

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