Chapter Four

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Zak pulled his Bentley onto the drive of Billy's house and turned his engine off.  He stepped out and could hear the others in the yard.  He didn't want to go straight out back, like he would normally do, he wanted to be a normal house guest and enter through the house.  He rang the door bell and waited for an answer.
"Dude, that's what I said!" Aaron laughed, lighting up another cigarette, drinking his Bud Light.  Zak shook his head, dreading to think what the guys were discussing.
"Come on in Zak." Diana Tolley opened the door to Zak.
"Thanks Di." Zak smiled, hearing the men laugh among themselves in the backyard as he stepped into the hall. "Sorry I've not been around in ages."
"Don't worry about it." Diana smiled, kissing his cheek. "We know how much Maddy means to you."
"Thank you for understanding." He hugged her gently.
"They understand Z." She looked at the men through the glass window. "You know deep down they do but they miss their little ring leader."
"I miss them too." Zak sighed. "I miss my Dude Bros."
"Oh so you're trying not to be the T-Birds?" Diana laughed.
"Definitely not.  Though a Hickie from the Bagans would be like a Hallmark card.  You only get it when I care." Zak chuckled to himself as Diana giggled, passing him a non-alcoholic beer. "Thanks again Di."
"It's what I'm here for, you know that." She rubbed his back. "How is she doing anyway?"
"She's good." He smiled, knowing he was the happiest he'd been in ages. "I think the absolute world of her. I adore her."
"Bring her around sometime Z." Diana smiled knowing he was like a little lovesick puppy. "Now go spend time with those boys." Zak nodded, opened the patio door and was greeted with cheers.
"About time Bro!" Aaron cheered the loudest, raising his bottle.
"To the Dude Bros." Zak raised his bottle to the centre of them all.
"Dude Bros!" Billy, Jay and Aaron chorused at the same time, clinking the bottles.

After a couple of hours hearing all the latest news from the guys, Zak had moved off the non-alcoholic stuff and joined the rest on the heavy beers.  Jay had to remain the most sober one, what with his lovely Ashley being pregnant.
"That's why she's not been with us so much these days Zak." Jay grinned, pulling out the 20 week scan picture out of his wallet. "I'm going to be a Daddy."
"There's nothing more rewarding than being a Papa." Billy raised his glass, knowing he was blessed with his and Diana's kids.
"Congrats Dude." Zak smiled, almost hugging the life out of Jay, ruffling his hair at the same time. He felt a little twinge inside his heart that he never thought was possible. The thought of settling down and having children of his own. For years and years, Zak was absolutely adamant he didn't want that lifestyle. Especially with what spirits and attachments he would bring home lockdown after lockdown. Yes he cleansed himself as soon as he could but he didn't know if it would work completely enough to prevent a future wife and any children that could appear. However, knowing Jay and Ashley were expecting, there was a tiny jealous hole in Zak. He ignored it and went back to his beverage.

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