Chapter Six - Flashback

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"Come on Kitty Kat, bunk this next lesson with me?" Zak begged, pulling at Kat's arm. "I don't think I can do another acting lesson this week."
"I would Zak but..." Kat started to reply.
"But what?  You love me, don't ya?" Zak asked.
"I do." She sighed. "You know I do." Zak reached over and stroked the hair out of her eyes. "Fine, just this once."
"I win again!" He grinned, kissing her passionately.
"You always win Bagans." Kat shook her head. "I just need to do some stuff but I'll meet you at yours?"
"You're on." Zak picked her up.
"Put me down Silly." She giggled. "I'll be round in about 30 minutes?"
"I'll be waiting." He winked as he put her back on the ground, heading back to his apartment.

As an hour passed, Zak sat on his couch waiting for Kat to get there. He was clock watching, constantly. As the seconds drew into further on minutes, he was worried that Kat had got into an accident and headed back out to campus to see if he could find any of her friends to ask if they knew where she was or if they had heard anything.
"Mr Bagans, I expect to see you in my next lesson, yes?" Professor Lebowitz asked.
"Sorry Sir, I just had to take some medicine for my hay fever." Zak lied noticing Kat giggling with some of the girls who were in that class.
"Make sure you bring medication with you, should you need it." Professor Lebowitz replied as he walked away.  Zak folded his arms as Kat and the girls walked closer, hoping she would notice him and how annoyed he was.
"Thanks for being my partner this afternoon Jessy." Kat smiled as she bumped into Zak, not noticing where she was walking. "Oops."
"Damn fucking straight, oops!" Zak rolled his eyes and walked away.
"Zak, wait!" Kat ran after him to catch him up. "I can explain."
"I don't want to hear it Kitty Kat." Zak kept walking away, heading back to his apartment.  He unlocked the front door, slamming it behind him and headed into the living room.  He threw himself onto the couch and noticed the flashing light on his answer phone notifying him of a new message. Zak got up, and full of rage, pressed the play button.

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