Chapter 2

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I'm thinking about starting another fanfic too but Idk honestly, what do you think?
Well I hope you like it •-•
Sorry for not updating earlier it's just that my life is kind of a mess right now but yeeeeeeeah...

~Roxy's POV~
I started walking up to the room that me and Ellie shared and started getting ready, I picked out a PTV hoodie, a pair of black jeans and some bracelets that covered my wrists. I took the clothes, I walked into the bathroom and took a shower, then I straightened my hair and did my makeup. When I was done it was 1.54PM and the interview was at 2 so I started walking downstairs with Ellie by my side. We sat in the waiting room as the clock turned 2 and we could hear voices from the room where they held the interviews, a woman came out of the room and called my name, I started shaking and I could barely breathe as I was walking towards the room. I slowly walked inside and saw five men with their backs turned toward me, I sat down in the nearest chair without trying to make any noise at all, but of course I failed and the chair fell over as I tried to sit down. The men turned around and I saw one of them looking at my hoodie smiling, I didn't understand at first but then I looked at them again... "Omg" was the only thing I could get out, I was in shock, my idols were standing in front of me and I'm just standing here like an idiot. "I'm Vic but i have a feeling you already knew that" Vic said pointing at my hoodie, "y-yeah" I tried so hard to speak but I could barely get out a word, I ran out to Ellie and curled up in her lap.

~Vic's POV~
I looked at Kellin with a smile, and he nodded. I started walking out of the room to where she ran and saw that she was curled up in some girls lap, the girl looked up at me and her face froze... I knelt down next to her and asked "are you okay?" I saw her look up at the girl and then she nodded, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up and saw Kellin. I could see the smile forming on her face and I heard her whisper "Kellic is so real omg i knew it" to herself, and I just burst out laughing. "Yes, and what would you say if i said that me and Kellin are going to adopt you?" I asked smiling, "omg! Really!??", I looked up at Kellin and he answered, "yes" with a smile. I could hear footsteps behind me so I turned around and saw Mike standing there grinning like an idiot, he was looking at the girl Roxy was kind of laying on top of. He sat down in front of her and asked her what her name was, "E-ellie" she whispered just loud enough that we could hear it. He leaned in to her ear and whispered "I think I'm gonna...adopt you", she immediately started smiling and crying. "Awh don't cry" Mike whispered and wiped away the tears on her cheeks with his thumb. Kellin scared the living shit out of me by yelling "Come on, let's go pack omgggggg yayyyyy!!"

Omfg I'm being a bitch bc cliffhanger sowwyyyy
But I suck so bad...
I cringe

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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