Chapter 10

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Chapter 10                Louis POV                  Day 6 of Tour: Los Angeles

The lads and I came wandering into the Plaza at about 8ish that night. We were all laughing, probably at something I had said.

I pulled away at my tan beanie, shaking my head to fix my hair. “God, I love this city.”

“One of my favorites,” Harry agreed.

We casually walked past the front desk with the pretty ladies behind it. One of them stood up upon seeing us wander by, her face very serious like.

“Excuse me boys,” she said in her American accent.

“Erm, yeah?” I raised a brow. What did we do this time? Didn’t they already talk to Harry and Niall about the mess they had made last night? I didn’t think we did anything else to get ourselves into trouble…

“The young girl you came with is up on the rooftop deck. She refuses to come down, even with the coming rain storm warnings. Our cleaning ladies tried to help her, but she would only accept a drink and something to read.”

“Rain storm? Isn’t it supposed to be hot in California?” I asked.

“There are exceptions.” The lady said very seriously.

“Okay. Thanks,” Liam replied. He kept walking forward towards the elevator.

“I wonder what she’s doing up there?” Niall picked at his fingernail and said.

Zayn shrugged. “Probably just working on school stuff.”

“Yeah. I can go up and get her.” I volunteered myself because that’s just the type of person I am, I guess.

“Go for it. I’ll get us some pizza. Meet in my room?” Liam asked everyone. We all gave nods and mumbles of agreement.

They all climbed out at the seventh floor while I rode up to the deck. The glass doors slid open and I stepped out into the warm, moist summer air. The sky was getting noticeably darker with scary storm clouds blocking out the sun and moon.

“Hey there, Charlie Sheen!” I hollered when I saw her. She was facing away from me in the far corner all by her lonesome.

I jogged up to her; fast enough to notice her hasty wipe of the eyes. I raised my brow and said nothing. I looked down at the half empty mug of steaming water she had her shaking fingers around and the Readers Digest magazine on the table.

I waited for her to say something.

She didn’t.

“Okay…” I pulled out a chair and set myself down in it. “What’s up, buttercup?”

Charlie avoided my eyes. “Nothing.”

I pretended not to notice her gnawing away on her lip like it was a T bone steak. “Come inside with me then. Liam’s ordering us some grub right now.” I stood up and held out a hand to her.

She forced a tired smile, her eyes never even leaving the Los Angeles skyline. “I’m fine, thank you. Not very hungry tonight.”

I pretended to be shot in the chest. “Charlotte Hemming isn’t hungry!?!?”

Charlie’s glasses slipped down on the bridge of her narrow nose as she looked down at her steaming mug, a blank expression on her face. “I want to stay out here for a while.”

I pointed to the sky. “It’s going to rain.”

“I’m from Oregon. I can handle it.”

Now, I’m no Doctor Phil or anything. But something was wrong with that girl. I had seen her sad plenty of times before. When her mom had told her about the engagement, for example. And when that whole high school drama thing was happening. But this was different. Her face wasn’t sad, her eyes weren’t upset. Charlie just looked… dead. Like she had gone in deep in thought and forgotten to come out. Her features were tired and lifeless, her good posture gone down the drain like she finally just said, “WELL SCREW THIS. SCREW BEING HAPPY AND SHIT.”

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