Chapter 16

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Chapter 16                Charlotte POV             Day 16 of Tour: Lincoln

“Oh Zayn it’s your turn.”

“Again? I already went!”

“That’s kind of how taking turns works, buddy.”

I looked up from my bowl of popcorn and smiled. These boys sure were something else.

“No I swear. I just had my turn.”

Niall shook his head. “Then why is your car all the way back here?” he pointed to the little plastic game piece on the Game of Life board.

“I only got to move like, two spaces. Unlike some people who cheat- spinning tens every damn time.”

Harry threw his hands up in the air. “That had everything to do with luck.”

“And cheating,” Louis muttered into my ear. I giggled.

Liam reached into the red bowl. He pulled a wad of salty Sour Patch Kids with a few kernels of popped corn. He raised his eyebrow at me.

“I like it this way,” I giggled.

“Should have put M&Ms in it,” Louis tisked. “But nooooo.”

Outside there was a bright evening sun. It sat side by side with the blurry moon. I looked around our little rental cottage. Country chic furniture made me feel right at home. The tan carpet we all sat on was covered in play money and game cards.

We had arrived in Nebraska at midnight the night before. The boys had a signing earlier that Sunday morning, but the evening was all ours.

“One! You spun a one!” Liam pointed at Zayn and shouted.


Liam picked up his career card. “You owe me ten grand.”

Zayn snatched the piece of flimsy paper out of his grasp. He held it up to the light, a scowl on his face. He threw it back to Liam, “I hate this game.”

I giggled, getting to my feet. “Do any of you want something to drink? I’m headed there.” I pointed to the full sized kitchen across the hallway.

“Me please!” Louis said.

Zayn waved his fingers.

“Depends…” Harry smiled at me.

“I was going to make lemonade.”


Niall stood up. “I’ll help.” He jumped over the board. “Louis: you play for me while I’m gone.”

“You got it brotha.” Louis replied.

“Oh Harry will you play mine?” I asked him.

“Why him?” Liam joked.

“Because he cheats,” Louis sassed.

“Just play for us, alright?” Niall turned around to tell them. His hand guided the small of my back.

We walked across the wide hallway. Frameless mirrors lined the walls, creating some sort of unique artwork. It was just so pretty at this house; elegant yet homey and comfortable.

The kitchen was about the size of my own at home. There were fancy gray counter tops and dark brown tiled ceilings. A huge fridge the size of a double bed was in the center of it all, covered with cute little vintage looking magnets.

“I like this place Niall.”

“Oh yeah?” He opened a few cabinets in search of a pitcher.

“Mhmm,” I pulled out a bag of lemons. “We should stay here forever.”

Last First Kiss (One Direction Fan Fiction) (Charlotte's Directions Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now