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Our little boy is rambunctious. Well, it's one way to describe him. He's crazy.
"Dad! Mummy!"
Niall and I immediately look around to see what he'll point out next. The squirrel crawling up the oak tree? The screaming baby in the purple stroller?
"Ice cream!" He points to the colorful stand where a group of college-age students are scooping.
I look at my husband. Niall nods, and I lean down. "Tell them politely what you'd like, honey. Okay?"
Our boy grins. Niall fishes out some money and places them in his little hands.
His little legs carry him over to the booth as fast as they can.
Niall's arm slithers around my shoulders. I hold his arm, leaning on him as we stand upon a brick wall.
"He's getting so big," I whisper. "He's already five."
Niall kisses my neck, making me tingle. I smile.
"Maybe it's about time for him to play the role of Big Brother."
I turn around. "You mean..."
He nods. "I think we should have another baby."
I grin, tackling him in a big hug. "Actually, I'm-"
But before I can finish, our son is tugging on my leg. "Mummy, want a lick?"
"What flavor, sweetheart?"
He puts on a thinking face. "Mint," he answers.
My face brightens. I take a 'bite' and hand it bak to him. I then put his opposite hand in mine and the other around Niall's waist. I stand on my tiptoes for a second as I whisper in my husband's ear, "I'm glad you said that," I smile, "because-"
Niall grabs my face, kissing me as I, once again, don't get the chance to finish.
"Oh my gosh, (y/n), you're..?"
I slowly nod, a smile spreading across my face.
I give him another kiss. "We'll tell him the news when we get home," I say quietly. "It'll be our little treat."

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