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He's finally home from a long day. You had set up dinner, including potatoes and chicken, and you thought Niall would be really happy with it after a hard day.

But you were more than wrong.

"Niall, are you-"

"I'm not hungry."

Your eyes widen. "Are you sure? I made you-"

"I said, I'm NOT hungry."


"Jesus, please just LEAVE ME ALONE. Hardest fuckin day of my life. I don't wanna deal with this crap. I wanna be alone."

And with that, he stomps out of the kitchen, leaving you shocked, upset, and alone at the dinner table.

You pick at your food, trying not to get angry. You didn't deserve to be yelled at, but you were trying to understand Niall. His job was tough sometimes, and he just needed some space.

But after a half hour, he still had not come downstairs. The kitchen was cleaned up, and you were reading a book on a sofa, when you hear a thud.

You quickly make your way upstairs, going straight to your shared bedroom.

"Niall?" you say quietly, looking around. He's not in sight.

"What?" his voice is aching, but still angry. And coming from the bathroom.

You find him leaning against the sink, still in an angry state.

"What's wrong?" you ask softly.

"I already told you," he says coldly.

"Niall, please don't take it out on me."

His eyes dart over to you. "What do you mean?"

"I mean.. just because you have a bad day, doesn't mean you have to come home and yell at me. I didn't do anything."

He just shakes his head and quickly walks past you, down the hall, and down the stairs.

You keep your distance but still follow him. You've never really seen him like this, and you're scared.

"Can I have something to eat?" he grumbles.

"Niall, I just put everything away."

He glares at you, and you start to walk away but he calls your name.

"What?" you mumble.



"Why not?"

"I- I don't want to."

You hear his chair slide out and walk briskly towards the living room, where you've turned on the TV.

He snatches the remote and switches it off, turning to you.

You sink back into the couch, and that it when his face softens.

"Oh my God, are you scared of me?"

A single tear runs down your cheek, and you quickly wipe it away. "I don't know, Niall. You come home and act like a lunatic, and don't seem to care that I spent time to make you a dinner. And I was hoping to relax with you."

His arms lift you up off the couch, letting your feet touch the ground as you cross your arms.

"I'm sorry," he says quietly.

"What was that?" You're still mad, but you want him to scream it. And mean it.

"I said, I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry for being an ass. I'm sorry for acting stupid. I'm sorry."

You stand on your tip-toes and softly press your lips to his cheek, and them stroke it with your hand. "It's okay. Just.. don't let it happen again."

You bring his face to your lips again, and he smiles into your make-up kiss. "I would never hurt you, (y/n), not on purpose. I really am sorry. I'll try not to let work and home life mix. They're different worlds."

You grin as you stare at him. "I know. You're just kinda scary sometimes."

"What, THIS face?" he points to his face, sticking his lips out innocently.

You kiss his nose. "Even a face as cute as yours."

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