Chapter 21- Dare

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"Josh..?" I stuttered. Luke had now taken an interest in his phone and was leaning against a wall.

You're probably wondering who the fuck Josh is. He's my...ex? No, not really. Joe was my first kiss but me and Josh went to the same high school. He asked me out...not as his girlfriend just to "date". We hung out like twice but then I found out he got dared to ask me out so I broke up with him. 

"What the hell do you want?" I asked changing my tone of voice and squinting my eyes at him. Luke suddenly stood up after hearing my tone of voice. 

"Is he causing you trouble?" Luke asked standing in front of me. I looked Josh straight in the eyes. I saw nothing new. Just the same old guy who plays pranks on people and likes to humiliate them. I nodded and held onto Luke's hand..

"This is my girlfriend mate  so back the fuck off!" Luke lied to Josh. Josh's eyes slightly widened as he looked behind Luke at me and raised an eyebrow. I raised both my eyebrows in a "what the fuck, just leave" way.

"Fine." And with that one word,Josh simply walked away. He only said one word. Come to think of it I'm not even sure how he knew where I lived to be honest.

"Thank you Luke!" I hugged Luke and he smiled at me.

"No problem but...who was that?" I sighed and explained everything to him, again...

A/n: Well damn I only went and did it. I actually updated like 3 times really quick and one chapter was 1000 words.

So someone said they wouldn't be able to sleep so I cleared it up for you, but he will be back later! 

Ilysm <3

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