Chapter 50- The Breakup Story

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A/n: Okay I know this is awful but I felt bad so here you go.

"Hey, Joe...You never told me what happened with you and Arzaylea" I finally mustered up enough courage to ask Joe about Arzaylea.

"Oh, well she basically just cheated on me, like Shannon did. Well she went around fucking other guys while I dedicated all my time to her but that was a long time ago..."

" that it?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"You know Luke is dating Arzaylea?"

"As in 5 Seconds Of Summer Luke?"

"Yup." We sat in silence for a while, contemplating what to say to each other. Joe eventually took my hand. 

"I love you" He whispered in a hushed tone.

"I love you too but...I just thought, what happens when I have to leave?"

"I guess we'll have to do the whole long distance thing" Joe sighed.

"J-Joe I don't think I can do that"

"You can't leave me..."

"I don't want to I promise but I don't think I could do long distance"

"Then...then move in with me" It was at that exact moment I chocked on my own saliva. 

"W-what?! Are you serious right now!"

"Well why not? Then you'd be able to stay with me and visit Caspar. Come on Haz, please" Joe begged me. I looked down, thinking about it all. Could I really do this? I would still have to go home to tell my parents...right? 

"Joe...Yes" I looked up, a small smile appearing on my lips. His eyes lit up as he picked me up from the waist and spun me around as if we were in a romantic movie. 

"I love you so fucking much" He placed his forehead on mine.

"I love you too, Mr. Sugg"

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