Chapter 24- Contact

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Joe <3: 


So...that's it? One word. After all this time with no calls or texts, not even skype calls with Caspar and all I get is a ...hi ?

I rolled my eyes at his text and pondered as to weather I should reply or not. I finally broke and replied with one word, like him. 


I didn't even give him a capital nor full stop, wow hazel - you really showed him who's boss huh? The voices in my head sarcastically said before bursting into laughter making me feel as if my decision was wrong. Before I had the chance to change my mind I got a reply from Joe...

Hazel, can we talk on the phone?

I squeezed my eyes shut and pinched the bridge of my nose in stress, I'm not good at making decisions. Once again I had zero time to process the thought before Joe's caller ID flashed onto my screen. I hesitated before sliding the screen and holding the phone to my ear.

"Yes?" I said, a bit harsher than I meant to. 

"I uh...How are you?" Joe awkwardly asked, but just the sound of his voice made my face soften and the voices disappear. His little stutter had made my knees go wobbly and my hands shake. I am so bad with guys, what the hell?

"Fine..and you?" I asked trying to keep my cool and sound as if I wasn't totally melting at the sound of his voice. I heard a big sigh of relief at the other end. 

"You're talking to me!" He exclaimed. Suddenly I fell dumb founded.

"Um, yes? I mean I've tried calling you before but..." 

"So you DID try to call me! I thought you just butt dialled me by accident because you didn't speak!" My brain worked back to the memory and I shook it away.

"Yeah, but if you wanted to talk to me why didn't you just call me?" I asked completely dumb founded. 

"Brit told me you had told her you were never going to talk to me again..." I suddenly gasped at Joe's words, that little...

"Excuse me?" I said trying to keep my cool. Joe just repeated what he had previously said though. 

"I've only spoken to Brit when she was with you...and why would I tell her." I growled getting more angry by the minute.

"Hey! She is my girlfriend so don't say that" But of course Joe went ahead and said something like that and my heart dropped, my throat became tight and tears stung my eyes but I've been learning how to ignore my feelings, put them aside if you like. I sniffled a little bit before whispering something into the phone. I didn't realise I said it until it happened. I didn't realise I truly meant it till today. But the worst part is, I know he'll never feel the same.

"Sorry...but I love you"

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