Green Eyes

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Friday - 16:23

For the boy that I saw, when I jumped into the cart on a whim. You were sitting among the commuters with your friends, all of you armed with boards, ready to take the city by storm, terrorizing the conservative businessmen and women. All I wanted was to catch my breath and my train, but you knocked it right back out of me as you were so strikingly beautiful. It was as though someone had taken Tarzan and Mowgli, making an adolescent mix of both wild characters:  long, chestnut hair tied into a clumsy bun with strands falling over your sharp cheekbones, lightened by the aggressive light of the subway cart, and those piercing green eyes that just so slightly glanced to acknowledge the people around him, defying some and accepting others subconsciously. 

After a few stations, the cart began to clear, but I couldn't stop staring at you, even if my friend inched closer as we were separated by the mass of commuters before. Eventually, she reached me and it was time to part ways with this beauty, clothed in an inconspicuous hoodie. However, to my great surprise, I heard three distinct boards hit the floor and felt the wind as you passed me, the loud clattering noise disturbing the organized hallways. When I saw the scene, I wished I had brought my camera, just to snap this moment in eternity, something indescribably beautiful, that I can't put in words, no matter how hard I try. 

Just as I thought I lost you three misfits, we were reconciled at the platform heading into the far north-west of the city, much to my surprise. That's when I heard your voice for the first time. A simple melody, low and resonating in the emptying hall of the platform. I wished I could listen to it more closely, interact with it, add my own melody, my own beat to it. How selfish it was indeed.

A deeper droning resonated, blocking your music out as the train moved in quickly. We both got on, my friend eyeing my suspiciously, well aware that I'm never this quiet. But, like I said, you knocked my voice out of me. You sat on the opposite side of me, board stuck between your knees, your shining eyes fixed on a spot which wasn't quite my face. Four, three, two, one and zero. My stop. Somehow I thought that if the universe had thrown you in my way as I was completely off my guard, unsuspecting, it would arrange that we would wait on the platform of the other train heading to the extreme north again. I got up, my friend followed, too busy watching a guy listen to his disturbingly macabre heavy metal next to her, and my heart was pounding. Pounding so strongly, I thought it would leave my chest and scream out to yours. Needless to say, my heart dropped right out, down to the floor when I didn't hear the boards hit the floor, and I saw your reflection in the plastic advertisement pass me by.

In that moment I knew, that your green gaze had disappeared into the concrete jungle for good. 

EssaisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora