We are...

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 Living our lives, peacefully, quietly, without creating any disturbances. Roaming the streets, corridors and fields, that seem all too familiar to our surrounding peers. They show nothing, yet have nothing to hide either. As clear as day, as honest and pure as they all seem, their exposed brutality, which no soul seems to notice, flees their bodies, successfully. "Cleansed", is what one might think they are, but not the case. Scars remain, pale, almost unseen, because these scars, they are life, and no soul, no being, sees themself as a scar. 

 Yet we, we live as a scar. One may think it as a negative trait, that is not the case. Scars are hauntingly beautiful, and when Underdogs realize they live as one, their life is transformed, into serenity. Serenity which seems so unnatural, so surreal. We see this as an advantage, being serene. It causes no trouble in our life, and as transparent as we seem to other life forms, we are bold. We are loud. We are true. Giving love to the unloved, giving hope to the mere hopeless, giving life to the lifeless. That is our duty. No, our beings aren't troubled, trapped or tormented, because one may think we lack individuality and freedom.

 But we represent it. We overcome our differences, and live as an open community, which only lays underground, physically. Each being, each life, each scar, finds a home, once they see themselves as a result of escaped brutality, and not as a granted body. We are flowers, blooming over grief, a new beginning, grass over a battlefield. Poppies over that grass, and later trees to shade an ancient graveyard of underdogs, like us. We are the fighters of  our generation, where many see it as a granted right to be. We still have that right, and exerce it to the maximum of our abilities, being the best of what we can be. So in the end, we triumph. Why?

                               Because we are the Underdogs

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