|| One || John

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I woke up and looked around the room and saw nothing but blur at first.
I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes.
I went to the bathroom and washed my face and took a shower.
I changed clothes and went outside of my house and walked around outside for a while.
I finally decided where I wanted to go and I got in the car and drove to an old alley-way I use to visit as a kid and I brought my bag full of paint cans and other things to paint the wall.
I ran into my brother Jack and he spoke to me, "Why are you here?"
"Am I not allowed to visit childhood places?"
"No, because I know you're here to paint on the walls like you always do."
"What can't I live how I want?"
"Fine, don't come crying to me when you get caught by the police."
"I don't care."
He walked away and I put my bag down and looked around the alley-way to make sure no one was there and then I grabbed some paint cans and started to create a picture of me and my brother sticking up the bird.
After that I went to a place to eat and then I went to an old abandoned house I use to always go when I was a kid.
I went inside and right away I turned my flashlight on and saw cobwebs all over the place and there was so much dust and I walked around carefully cause the house was extremely old so it was very squeaky.
After a while I went upstairs and became even more careful cause the house wasn't that stable.
I looked around to see if anything new had happened to the house since it had been a while since I was here.
But when I checked there was nothing that I hadn't seen before.
After that I left and went around the town to see what was new and I found nothing so I just drove back home and sat down and watched TV and then I started to fall asleep until Jack and Jackson busted through the door yelling, "JOHN..."
They were breathing so heavily, "You need to come see this!"
"What is it?"
"We don't know, you just need to come and see it."
I followed them and they dragged me to a random place outside and there was this creepy person standing under a light.
We looked at each other all confused and spoke, "What is it?"
"I don't know..."
"Well what are we gonna to?"
"How should I know, it's just staring at us."
"Go over there."
"Are you crazy, hell no!"
"So what are we gonna do, cause there is no way I'm going back inside with that thing waiting outside or it could follow us."
"Fine, you two stay here and I'll go grab the rifle."
"Ok, sounds like a plan."
"Alright, just be quick, this thing is starting to look creepier each time I look at it."
"Ok I'll be as fast as I can."
I ran into the house and found the rifle and ran back outside and asked if it was still there and sure enough it was so I pointed the rifle at it but then the power cut off for a few seconds but it was enough time to hear Jackson to scream in our ears and then the power came back on only to show that the person or thing had left and Jack just yelled out cussing.
"Great, we lost it, now we can't have a good night rest knowing that this thing or person is still out there and could come and get us at anytime now!"
"Well if we ever see this person or thing again then we'll just shoot it."
"With what guns, you're the only one who owns any!"
"Then you guys can just borrow them until this is all over and then you can give them back!"
"Ok, ok, so this thing is gone and now we have no clue where it is... So we should just stay up and if it pops up again then we'll shoot it right then and there."
"Alright, good idea, we can all stay up and watch the windows and if this person or whatever pops up we can shoot it."
"Ok but if we're gonna talk about this more than we should go inside the house first."
We went inside and into my room and I found my stash of guns and ammo and got some pistols.
"So you really think that we'll be able to catch this guy?"
"I have no clue but we have to try, and I'm not gonna stop until I can either get this person in jail or kill him myself so I can get some god damn sleep."
"Ok well here, some pistols and extra ammo and clips just in case you run out.
I suggest you fill all the clips first so when you need it, it's full and ready to go."
"Ok, so do we go into separate rooms or do you guys wanna stay in one room?"
"We stay in one room cause I don't wanna risk losing any of you guys so we should all stay up in your room that way if something happens we'll know right away."
"Ok so choose what window you wanna watch and from there on we just watch that window and if we see the guy again we'll take the shot."
"Ok, Jackson, you know how to shoot one of those things right?"
"I think so... Even if I don't I'm pretty sure I'll remember as soon as I see this thing."
I laughed a little but stopped and became serious again and then we all grabbed some chairs and sat down and looked out the windows.
We sat there for ours when all the sudden I heard Jack and Jackson setting up sleeping bags.
"What are you two doing?"
"We're tired so we're just gonna sleep, anyways we're all light sleepers so if something happens we can wake up right away."
"I'm gonna stay up just in case."
"Ok, be careful."
"I will, don't worry, you're talking to a weapons freak after all."
I opened my closet full of guns and swords and other weapons.
They both looked at each other with concerned looks.
"Just don't murder us."
We all chuckled and then they went to sleep.
I stayed up for so long until finally I closed the windows and then passed out cold.

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