|| Eight || Relax

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Everything was dark and I couldn't hear anything until I was slapped by the thing I had stabbed earlier but he was covered in even more blood and he seemed very pissed.
I didn't know what to do and I would try to escape until he would kick me in the leg.
I gave up all hope until I hear footsteps above me and I start to gain a little hope and once I hear all the guys bust through the door and start stabbing the thing so many times and I can only assume it was them who made it so bloody.
They untied me and start to pick me up and run home while I try to move but the shooting pain in my leg is keeping me from doing so.
We got home and they put me on the couch and I sat there for hours and they bandaged up my bruised and cut leg.
Me and Jack were now both sitting there with injured legs and we just sat there in pain while being exhausted.
The guys kept saying someone should've stayed with us even though no one would've known this was coming.
Eventually we all just sat down on the couch in Silence.
Eventually Alex broke the silence by saying, "We can't kill this thing obviously so what do we do?"
"Nothing, we can't take the risk of losing someone so we should stay here."
"What if it comes after us?"
"Then we have to defend each other."
"Now the only problem is, there is more than one of these things."
"We know one is a giant pretty much but it can't be human cause it would be dead."
"But we never saw the other one, unless John has..."
"John? Did you see what it was that took you?"
"No, I just remember seeing a white flash and then I just saw darkness."
"So then we don't know what it looks like and we may never know."
"The only problem is the fact that they look human but we know they can't be."
"Yeah, so we may never expect it unless it has some weird feature."
"Yeah, so then all we can do is try to relax and think about what our plan is."
"Well then we better fix up the place to make sure no one can get in without us knowing."
"How are we suppose to do that?"
"No, remember this is still my parents house, they are just on vacation."
"So then, cameras?"
"That's probably the best option."
"Ok, so then where do we put them?"
"Depends on how many we get."
"How many do you think?"
"About 5."
"So the backyard, the front porch, the living room and kitchen, the garage, and then the upstairs hallway."
"Ok, speaking of backyard, I never checked on Grim."
"Go get him and get him inside."
Alex went outside with food to feed Grim since he hasn't eaten in a day and he gets hungry real fast.
He came back in with Grim and put him on the couch with Eric.
"So now we know our plan I guess."
"Now we just wait to see if anything pops up."
"Better hope not because Jack and John aren't gonna be able to run away."
"Then we just stay and defend each other no matter what the cost is."
Eric got up and said he would get the cameras and so he left to wherever and then we all stayed and talked more about what we were going to do.
A few hours passed and Eric came home with the cameras and a drill to out them into the ceilings.
We grabbed Jacks laptop and set up the screens to see what the cameras see and they worked perfectly so now we just loaded up all our weapons and put them in a little closet we never use.
We finally finished preparing and just sat there waiting for night to arrive.
Once the night did come we all started to grab some guns and watch every corner of the room while Jack watched the cameras.
Eventually one of the cameras started to be filled with static and then went back to normal which made us a bit scared.
We gripped our weapons tightly fingers on the trigger until Jack said, "I think I just found out what the other thing looks like..."
We all wanted to look but not break our watch on the room.
We asked him to describe it and he slowly spoke, "looks human besides what it has on its face, white hair, and a bunch of tentacle like things on its back which looks like it could hide them whenever it wants to."
We all went pale as we looked at each other scared to find out what this thing will look like.
We all took our mind off it until we head a loud crash from outside and we heard some weird noises and we all started shaking.
Worried this thing could easily knock us out and grab one of us we just started to walk around slowly seeing if this thing was around and then we heard Eric shoot and scream while running around to get to us and he had an extreme pale face and we asked what he saw and he spoke softer then ever and with an extremely horrifying face, "This thing isn't human for sure, we have to be careful. It's like a spider and then there are two tentacles which look like they belong to a scorpion..."
We all started to freak out until Alex said he watched it run away and then we all took deep breaths of relief and then we all agreed to do the same thing and take turns on who keeps an eye out while everyone else sleeps and Eric volunteered and then we all started to fall asleep one by one in relief and we knew Eric could take care of himself cause he may be quiet but he can be crazy if he needs to be.
I eventually passed out and saw darkness.

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