|| Ten || Gabe

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I stayed up all night watching out for the guys cause that was the only way I could think to repay them for saving me.
I had my own weapons so I didn't have to ask them to borrow any.
I walked all over the house to see what I could use to look for whatever the heck this thing is.
I kept seeing something running across the house but I could never see a glimpse of it cause it was too fast.
I could assume what it was but I can't be sure.
I kept looking out each window hoping I'll be able to see it but nothing ever came out only little bit that I could see out of the corner of my eye while it ran at full speed across the house.
I grabbed my assault rifle and put a silencer on it and slowly opened the widow just enough to put the barrel through.
When I saw it I shot and I swear sometimes I could hear a crunch as if I shot it somewhere but I have no clue where and I saw little drops of blood once it came back over and over again and the more I shot it the more blood.
When I saw the sun started to come up I shot the thing as many times as I could before it would finally leave and it was covered in blood so it made me unable to tell if it was a creature we had already seen or not.
I started to put the gun somewhere and decide whether I should go check or not because it could be around the area.
The guys had woken up and started looking at me curiously and I just pointed out the window and they saw all the blood and then I told them what had happened.
I slowly opened to door and walked to check the blood and the blood was everywhere and had covered many parts of the house.
We all seemed pretty terrified about the fact that this thing could take so much damage and still be alive, we even found chunks of its body laying around but I was unable to tell if they were or weren't there cause how much blood covered it.
We all didn't want to leave the house for a while so we stayed just keeping watch and we all checked on each other every couple of minutes so that we didn't lose anyone or someone gets taken again.
We all decided that after a while we should all just talk about what we should do cause almost no one knows about this thing and then we can't tell anyone cause they'll think we're crazy.
Plus we don't know how to get rid of this thing and it seems like it'll never leave us alone.
We all had mixed emotions on how to feel about the thought of how this thing might never leave us.
We wanted to kill them but we would have no idea how to so we could only sit there and wonder what the heck we were gonna do about the situation.
Eventually we all sat there silently thinking of ideas or just having thoughts in general.
We all decided it would be best if we could just stay inside the house because going outside would probably get someone killed especially at night.
We had all agreed and then started to put our weapons in places that were easy to reach and we kept Grim on a leash and tried it up around a little pole in the kitchen.
We all sat there waiting and waiting for anything to happen but to our disappointment we had gotten nothing all day, so far.
We expected nothing during the day really but we hoped that maybe something would happen, then night time came and we all ran to our positions and only one of us stayed in the living room checking the cameras cause there was enough of us to guard all the windows.
We stayed up for hours is what it felt like but we actually had no way to check and we kept checking on each other and then continue looking and we all were about to give up until Alex shouted out, "Outside!"
I kept a close eye on the outside and watched to see if anything would pop up and I could hear footsteps around the outside.
It all went silent for a while until we heard a gun shot coming from a room upstairs and then we all saw something running around the house over and over again and we would shoot and shoot as much as we could but nothing ever came out of it.
I could hear crunching from the bullets hitting something but was never able to find out what it hit.
Eventually I felt tired out of nowhere but it was weird cause I felt fully awake a few minutes ago.
We stayed up for hours and hours just shooting but the thing wouldn't go away until the sun started coming up.
When we had all agreed that it was gone we all placed our weapons on the floor and went downstairs into the living room where Alex was.
We all decided to check the cameras and we did and we saw the creature which turned out to be one that we had already seen which made us take a deep breath of relief.
After that we all just decided what we would do next and so we ended up making food cause we were all hungry and then we all took showers and changed and pretty much act like it was a normal day.
Eventually we all started getting tired due to the fact we stayed up until 6 in the morning or less but we were exhausted.
We knew it was a bad idea but we didn't care so we all fell asleep but I think Eric stayed up cause he's pretty much like an nocturnal animal so staying up all night is no problem with him.
But I was tired so I fell asleep and laid there staring at the ceiling until my view became darkness.

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