|| Four || Alex

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I was tired...
I woke up and I noticed that I felt as if something wrong had happened.
I got up out of bed and went into the bathroom when I saw a message written across the window spelling out, "SHOOT ME, BUT I'LL SHOOT YOU BACK!!!"
I didn't really know what to do besides calmly erase the message considering I was use to people making threats at me cause of how I am.
I never really minded being threaten because they never seem to be an actual smart person with weapons, unless you're one of "us" then you might as well run because I'm known as "Killer" in most peoples books.
After a while all the guys woke up and went downstairs to make breakfast while I stayed upstairs making sure everything was ready for today.
I went downstairs and sat in the living room playing the guitar I had brought to play.
The guys made breakfast and that made me stop playing and go eat.
"So what are we gonna do today?"
"No clue, most likely what we did yesterday, but if you guys have a different idea then go ahead."
"No not really, we'll just do what we did yesterday and hope for the best I guess."
"Alright well do you think we'll be safe because who knows what this person is capable of."
"We have to try, if we don't then he or whatever the hell that thing is will use whatever it can against us."
"Jack's right, we need to try and finish this thing once and for all."
"But what if we fail? He'll only get angrier... And maybe go on a rampage and try to murder us all."
"Then we're screwed, but for now it doesn't matter, we have to try and murder it before it murders us."
"Alright, well we better get moving so we can get ready and set up to watch for however long it takes and hope it appears so we can end its misery."
"Alright then boys, eat up and let's get going!"
We all finished eating and got into the car and left to the park.
It was a while until we got there, but once we did we found that someone had written a message on the place we had been the previous night.
It was a giant X with a message saying, "X marks death" and everyone just stared at it and then erased it cause it was pretty dumb.
We all started to look around to make sure that no one was around so when we come back that we don't get ambushed by people who were already here.
Once we realized that no one was around as expected at a place like this we went back home and started to grab all of our weapons and then Eric got the idea of wearing mask, none of us had any besides me but part of it was broken for... Reasons.
But Eric insisted on wearing masks so whatever this thing was wouldn't find us separately and cause a massacre.
So we all agreed and then I told them to go to the mask shop downtown while I go grab my mask from home.
They all went into the car and left and I grabbed a pistol just in case and ran home.
Once I got home I went into my room and grabbed the gas mask I had, the problem was that one of the goggles or whatever had broken.
I still wore it either way...
I ran to the mask shop and saw that they had all picked out some mask, a lot of them were mask that I thought were pretty awesome, John went with black and blue wolf mask, Jack went with a wolf looking mask with an awesome design on it, Eric went with a fox mask that had on steam punk look to it, and Jackson went with an awesome looking gas mask that made it look like they had to burn holes in it to make the place where you can see.
Not gonna lie I was pretty jealous of their masks and so I decided I'd get one for the heck of it, and I got a kindred wolf mask I thought was really cool.
Once we all got our masks and stopped saying how awesome they looked and whos was better we got into the car and left to go home.
We got all of our weapons and headed for the park.
Once we got there we set up and decided who would he where to keep watch on a specific area to see where this thing would come from and so it can't take us by surprise.
We waited for the sun to go down and we sat there for hours waiting for someone to appear and once the thing finally showed up we all put our guns down to see if it would come towards us.
It was a pretty bad choice cause it ran towards us and ended up grabbing onto John and Jack and started to strangle them both.
Jackson and Eric jumped onto the thing and stabbed it with their knives while I made the thing let go and made them all fall onto the floor while they were there still stabbing it.
We all finished and looked down at it while we were all covered in blood.
We all decided to drag whatever this thing was over to the river and threw it in.
Once we were sure it was gone we all decided to go home.
What was weird is that I could hear water splashing around like someone playing in water, but I was to tired to think about it so we all just went into the car and head home.
Once we were there we all went into the room and started to pass out after having to do so much in one day and we were all tired and exhausted.
I tried to stay up but I ended up passing out.
Darkness surrounded my eyes as I slept...

Alex's new mask:

Alex's new mask:

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Jackson's mask:

Jackson's mask:

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Eric's mask

Eric's mask

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Johns mask:

Jack's mask:

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Jack's mask:

Jack's mask:

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