Chapter 2

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"no... no... please... MOM!!! DAD!!!!" I started crying "please... they can't be gone... Mom... Dad... Layla... SOMEONE!!!...please... I dont want to be alone..." I made my way out of the ruins still crying not even caring that people saw me... I was covered with dust from the debris and a cut on my face was bleeding... I think my left hand was broken...

I just sat there until sunrise crying until I heard some guards yelling at me... I forced myself to stand up and limped back to where we lived

When I got there it seemed emptier and lonlier than ever... I went to my room and sat there crying for at least two days... then I realized... I have to fend for myself... make my own food...get my own water... make my own tools... Ward off snakes... how am I, a five year old girl, gonna be able to do that on my own... I didnt watch my parents do it... I started to panic... how am i gonna survive? am I gonna starve? am I gonna die from a poisonous snake bite? Just then I heard the familliar hiss of a snake and looked up... it was a cobra, very poisonous, right in front of me and ready to strike. I tried to move away. then it struck. I was bitten.

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