Chapter 4

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When I woke up I didn't feel the effects of the poison anymore... thank Ra... I had survived, but the cloth I had been using as a bandage was soaked in red, I was still bleeding and it still hurt... I changed the make-do cloth bandage for a different piece of cloth and decided to see if we had any food or water remaining. I stood up, still light headed, and walked to our kitchen and found some water... about enough for a week... and enough food for a week. I get a glass of water then go back to my room where the dead cobra is supposed to be "huh...?" the snake was gone and the knife was too... who had taken them? Well whoever did is gone now... I decided to go and get supplies ready for the next place I have to carve.

A week later I had almost run out of food and water and nobody has come... no new jobs, no new food and water, and no mystery person who had taken the knife and snake. I am starting to get worried... what if I starve... or die from dehydration... when I hear the door to down here open.

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