Chapter 11.

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I stopped walking and turned back to the guys. I looked at them and walked back.

"Let me talk to her" El said and we all nodded. We all went to the livingroom and i sat with my hea din my hands.

"Harry?" I heard Lou's voice.

"What happened to her? She thought i was going to hurt her." I said and looked up at everyone. They all shrugged and we all sat in silence, thinking.


"Valery?" I heard a voice, i was about to shout, but the voice spoke again. "Dont shout, its me, Eleanor. Your friend" The voice said. As i started listening to the voice the laughing started to stop. "I'm going to come over to you okay? Dont shout please" She begged and soon i saw a shadow walking towards me. More tears slide down my cheeks but i didnt shout.

As the shadow come closer i noticed the person. It was El. My friend. Why was i panicing. As soon as she was close i jumped and hugged her tight. She hugged back and i nuzzled my face into her neck.

"Shhhh....Valery its alright, we're here" She said as she sat down on the bed and i carried on hugging me.

We stayed silent just hugging each other when she broke the silence.

"Valery what happened?" She asked worried. I pulled back from hugging her and sat next to her. She had worry in her eyes and i sighed.

"It happened after work. I had late shift so i wasnt leaving till like half 10. I was walking because i didnt drive. I walked past a pub with drunk people outside..." I said while more tears streamed down my cheeks. Just telling the story, re living it, was disgusting. "...I was walking past a alleyway when someone pulled me in there. I screamed and cried but no one came. He laugh, his evil laugh. His eyes scaned over me ina dirty evil way as his hands started to feel me up..." I was sobbing now and was struggling to get the words out. Eleanor rubbed my back and it helped me carry on. "...I begged him not to but he didnt listen. H-h-he r-r-r-rap-raped m-me" I sobbed and hugged Eleanor tight again.

We stayed quiet again while i stopped crying, she just hugged me.


When she told me that the man raped her i couldnt help but feel sad and angry. So could hurt someone let Valery. How? Who was it, thats what i wanna know.

I hugged her till i heard that she had stopped crying then i asked.

"Who was it?" I asked but she didnt reply. "Valery?" I looked down at her and saw she had gone to sleep.

I smiled and tucked her in her bed. I kissed her forehead and then headed to the livingroom where they were sitting.

As i walked in they all looked at me.

"Shes gone to sleep" I said and they nodded.

"Can we see her?" Harry asked and i nodded and told then to be quiet but follow me.

They all nodded and followed me into her room quietly.

Harry walked over to her chair and moved it to the side of the bed and sat down. The rest of us sat or laid on the floor. Harry grapped her hand and kissed it gently like she was going to break. It was such amazing and cute site ever. I dont know why his dating Ashley not Valery. Valery and him suite so much better than him and Ashley ever would.

We all laid down on her floor because we wanted to make sure she was okay. Soon we fell asleep.


Everyone laid on the floor and fell asleep. We didnt want to leave her in case she hurt herself again. I saw her cuts were still bleeding. I slowly got up and got a wet cloath and bandages. I cleaned the blood on her arms and wrists and then bandaged her cuts up. Once they were bandaged i kissed her wrists and then her forehead. I held her hand and rested my head on her bed as i sat in the chair. I soon fell asleep.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now