Chapter 32.

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Me and Harry have been hanging out more and more these couple of months and he has got over Samantha. At the moment we were at his mums house for a week or two. 

"VALERY!" I heard harry shout and the next thing i know he ran into the livingroom and jumped on me. He was sitting on my stomach as i was laying down on the sofa before.

"Harry..." I said as i tried to be breathe cause of his fat ass on me.

"What was that?" He asked

"Get your fat ass off of me. I cant breathe!" I said as loud as i could.

"Well that was rude my ass is perfectly fine size thank you" He smirked and with all my strength i pushed him off and he fell on the floor. I started laughing but stood when he stood up.

"Do you find that funny?" He asked seriously

"Well yea" I said trying not to laugh. But then suddenly harry straddled my lap and started tickling me.

"Ha-Harry s-s-stop!" I said through giggles.

"Say im the best" He said

"IM THE BEST!" I shouted and he smirked.

"Not you, me."

"YOUR THE BEST!" I said and he stopped. When i opened my eyes from laughing so hard i noticed our faces were inches away from each other.

Then Harry slowly started leaning in and soon we both closed our eyes and then i felt his lips on mine. The kiss was slow and unsure at first but once i started kissing back it was passionate and sweet. I felt the sparks but i dont know if harry did. This felt so right but i dont know if it felt wrong to Harry?

After a while Harry suddenly pulled away. He wouldnt look at me in the eyes he looked straight past me. I was about to say something harry got up without a word and walked upstairs, to his room i guess.

I slowly sat up and waited thinking he would come down but he didnt so i decided to get up and go for a walk.


I cant believe i kissed her. Why did i do that? I mean it must be the spare of the moment right? I mean our faces were inches away and i just kissed her. But then why did i feel sparks? Did she feel sparks? I mean if felt so right but did Valery think it felt right or wrong? Oh my god i need to talk to her about this. I dont know what to do. Mum will be back in a minute i will ask her. But Valery must be feeling awful now because i just got up and left. Oh god im a horrible person. I better go down and see how she is.

I got up and walked down stairs to teh livingroom but Valery wasnt there. I walked to sit down and felt a strunch noise as i sat down. I then pulled a piece of paper out of from where i was sitting and red it.


I went for a walk but dont look for me i just need some time alone

Valery xx

I sighed and decided to just watch tv till mum or valery come home.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now