Chapter 14.

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Me and Valery are as close as ever and it all seems like nothing happened. But she still doesnt like being touch that much because of the rape and she still has nigtmares but im always there to calm her down. It seems like im the only one who can calm her down and the only one she will listen to as well. I mean i dont mind because shes my best friend and thats what best friends are for. Normally after i've calmed her down she asks me to stay and i do. I know she just wants the company so she wont have the nightmares again. Which i find weird that she doesnt have then when im with her. Maybe it is just the company, it cant be anything can it?

"HARRY!" I heard Louis shout at me. I slowly rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I put on some sweats and walked to the livingroom where i heard talking.

When i walked in everyone was sitting there looking awfully tired.
"What?" I asked yawning.
"You're phone" Lou said and i raised a eyebrow at him.
"Its been ringing since this morning and it was loud it work everyone up." Valery said before yawning loudly.
Ooops. Who could be calling me at this time?
"Why didnt you guys pick it up then?" I asked because normally they would have.
"Well, Lou-" El staretd but got interupted by Louis.
"I was going to but it was saved as a random name so i didnt." He said and then glared at El. Whats up with him? "Just answer" He said and looked at me.

I grapped my phone of him and looked at recent calls.


When harry got his phone back he looked through it before it started ringing again. He looked shocked and happy all at the same time. Who could it be thats making him happy?

I looked at El and Lou. They were acting weird. Why did Lou interupt her? What was she going to say?

"Hello" I heard Harry said in a cheery voice.
I looked at him and then at the floor who could it be?


When i saw who was calling i couldnt help but smile.

Well incase your confused, its been a 2 weeks since the Ashley thing and one day when i went starbuck to get some drinks for everyone i met this girl called Samantha. Shes got long brown hair sort of like Ashley. She served me and we started talking. We got on really well so i got her number. I didnt want the boys to be suspicious so i saved it under a random name. Which was just loads of different numbers and symbols.

(Whats Samantha looks like - -)

I answered the phone and then walked out of the room so i didnt have Lou's hard stare at me.

H:Whats up?
S:I just wondered if you wanted to met up? I havent got work today.
H:Yea that sound good when and where?
S:How about in an hour at the ice cream parlor down from the park, you know where that is?
H:Yea i know I'll see you in an hour.
S:Okay bye

I hung up and walked straight into my room to get dressed.
(Harrys outfit - -)

I got my keys and phone and started for the door.
"Hey harry" I heard lou say as i walked past the livingroom door. I slowly walked back and looked at everyone.
"Hey whats up?" I asked
"Where you going?" He asked
"I'm going to met up with someone" I said and he gave me a look i couldnt really understand.
"Our you going to be back in time" Valery said and i raised my eyebrow at her.
"In time for what?" I asked and she shook her head and looked down.
"Dont worry, its not important" She said and everyone looked at her.
"No really what is it?" I asked walking into the livingroom more.
As i was standing infront of her, i bent down in front of her so i was eye level, as she was sitting down. She shook her head again.
"Dont worry" She said again.
"No tell me!" I said sternly.
"OBIVIOUSLY ITS NOT IMPORTANT TO YOU AS YOU CANT REMEMBER!" She snapped which made us all jump but i fell back on the floor as she pushed my away and walked to her room.

I sat there on the florr confused but then realised i got somewhere to be.
"What was that?" Niall asked and i shrugged.
"I dont know but i have somwhere to be" I said and run out the door to my car and off i went to met Samantha.


I cant believe he forgot. We were talking about it last night. Saying we would have a best friend day because we havent had one in a while. That we were going to go for ice cream and the park and just have fun like old times. But obiviously it was that important to him.

I was laying on my back on my bed looking up at the ceiling, just thinking. But the only thing going through my mind was; Who was on the phone? Who was making him happy? And who was he going to met? Just who?


All the way to ice cream palor i was thinking of Valery. Why did she have such an outburst if it wasnt anything important? I mean she said it herself that it wasnt important so why does she care? What was it that i shouldve know?

When i got to the ice cream palor i parked and made my way in. I looked around and then saw Samantha at a table near the window. I walked over to her and sat down.
"Hey" I said and she smiled.
"Hey, i havent order anything yet" She said and i nodded.
"What did you want? I'll get it" I said. She smiled and told me what she wanted and then i went to go get them.

I got my favourite and then got Samanthas.

I went back to the table with them and we sat talking.


Once i heard the front door shut, i shut my eyes. He didnt even come and see if i was alright. He just left.

After a couple of minutes i heard a knock at my door.

"come in" I said and i walked Lou.
"Hey" I said as he opened and closed the door behind him. He came and sat on the bed and i sat up instead of laying down.
"Why you crying?" He asked and i pulled my hand up to my cheek and realised i was.
"I didnt realised" I chuckled wipping them away.
"So you going to tell me why you snapped at harry?" He asked and i sighed. I knew he came up to see what it was about. "Well..." He trailed off and i nodded.
"Okay well last night Harry said because of all the drama that we havent really spent time together. Also because of the rape everything, he thought it would be good for us to have a best friend day like old times. I agreed and he said we could go to the ice cream palor and then to the park like old times. And this morning he obivously forgot about it. I guess it wasnt important to him as it was to me." I said and Lou pulled me in to a bear hug.
Suddenly the door burst opened and all the boys ran in and joined in the hug.
"Were you all listening?" I asked once we pulled away and tehy all had guilty looks on.
"Yep" Niall said like it was nothing and Liam hit him on teh back of the head.
"Ouch! what was that for?" He asked rubbing his head.
"Oh Nialler" I said and hugged him and he hugged back.
"Lets go get ice cream!" Niall shouted and we all agreed.

The boys said that as Harry forgot we would go instead. Im glad these boys are there for me.

We got in the car and on the way to get ice cream.




Back For You. (WYWH Sequel) - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now