This is me

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So this is the story me and Michaelisgurl are working on!!!!

My name is Alyssa, I come from the island Andromeda. It is a few degrees south of burning to death, with a sun that seems to never go away. We have fishing, warm winters, and a charming view of the sun rise.  Where normal people have cats or dogs as pets, we have Ikran, Ikrandraco being its full breed name,  or Mountain Banshees as some people call them.

We use to be at war with them, but we realized that we were wrong, and now we have them as friends or to some, like me, family.

My Ikran is actually a rare one among the rarest, he is a Leonopterex, or Toruk, also called Last Shadow by the others. He is a large male with unique coloring. Where they are normally red, yellow, orange, he is pitch black.

I call him τελευταία Θάνατος, or Last Death. But for now, I must hide him, for we are going to Berk, and they will kill him, and I can't let that happen.

"What is bothering you, chosen one?" LD asked.

" While I am at Berk, you must stay hidden, okay, I will not always be in your sight, and you must not be seen, please?"

"If my chosen one prefers this, okay, but if you are in danger, I will not be responsible for my actions."

"Okay, but you can call me Alyssa, or Aly if you want, instead of chosen one."

"From my species, that means the one and only person to ever hold the title as my rider, no one else, it tells others that you are under my protection."

Suddenly the docks horn noise is fired off, meaning it is time to leave.

"You may follow, but be safe and out of sight." I say and walk away.

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