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          You opened your eyes slowly, and scanned the room. How'd you get there, and why were you there- oh wait, now you were starting to remember. You stole a bunch of cash yesterday and needed a place to hide. The events that occurred yesterday came rushing back into your head. You looked down and saw you were hugging the bag tightly; it was all you had. You groan and roll off the couch, it was really uncomfortable. Welp, guess you should go downstairs, get something to eat, and run back up here.

      You ran down the attic stairs and fell on your face. The damn thing came up before you even took a step. You fell really hard and made a loud noise. Great, now they might check on you, and that's what you were trying to avoid. You tried getting back up, but your legs were really hurting so you just lay there with an angry expression. "Stupid ass stairs...Couldn't even fucking work for a second-Look at what it did, damn it. Stupid fucKING STAIRS." You mumbled under your breath, checking to see if you had any cuts or bruises. You had a huge bruise on your knee and left shin, but it wasn't that bad. So eventually, you got up and tried to walk down another flight of stairs. Ah, it was like you were traumatized. You stared down at the steps and attempted to make one, but a pain went up your leg and you almost fell down again. Luckily, you caught your balance and fell backwards. You cussed and swore and hit the floor in anger.
"Um, are you ok?" Someone asked. You looked behind you and saw that redhead named Matt. He was peeking from the little gap between the door and the wall.
" Oh, it's you. Um, yeah, I'm fine, I just fell from your attic." You answered, trying to get up again; failing greatly after you tried. He opened the door and walked towards you to help, but you waved him off.
"Don't worry about it, I'll just walk it off." You said.
"It doesn't seem like you can even walk." He said, crossing his arms.
"I will soon, don't worry 'bout it." You said, wiping the dirt and dust off your shoulder.
"You know, if you're looking for anybody, they're not here. They all went out to buy groceries and I stayed because last time I went I put too much stuff in the cart." He explained, scratching the back of his neck nervously, expecting you to laugh. He said it in such a soft squeaky voice, it was actually pleasing.
" Or is it because you had to stay and make sure I didn't take anything from your house?" You asked. He winced and looked at the ground with a flustered face.
"Great, so now you're my babysitter." You sighed leaning against the wall. He scoffed and walked towards you.
"Hey, what're you doing?" You blabbered, backing away from him. He put his arms under yours and lifted you up onto your feet. Your knees wobbled but you got used to it. After all, you didn't break your legs, you just got a bruise.
"There, all better!" He said, backing up to look at you standing normally again.
"Hey, uh, do you guys have any food or..." You said, trying to change the subject.
"Oh no, we don't have anything right now, that's why they went shopping." He replied, passing you and walking down the stairs.

      You sighed and followed him down the stairs. You didn't really have anything else to do, so you decided to follow him around. He was the only one in the house. So you followed him around the house until he went into his room. He only noticed that you were behind him when he turned around to close the door.
"Ah!" He gasped, jumping back, "Were you following me this whole time?"
"Ehh, yeah."
"Because I'm bored???"
"So you want to...Hang out with me?"
"I guess; you're the only person here, and I can't go out just yet."
"Wow, really??? Ahahha, people like me!"
"I don't like you. I just want to be entertained."
"So, whadya got?"
"Um, I have novelty toys... I actually have a collection of them!"
"You play with toys...?"
"What are you, 4 years old?" You scoffed, looking around his room to see mirrors and paintings of him everywhere. Ew, what a weird vain person. He plays with toys too. He frowned and looked down in shame. He also had these big teary puppy eyes. You sighed and scratched your chin.
" How about we go and do something cool." You said.
"Like what?" He asked.
"I don't know, maybe we can ride bikes down a cliff or something."
"How are we going to do that? We can't- I mean you can't go out!"
"Well I'm not staying here all day! This place is boring as fuck! I can put on a mask or something."
"Are you sure that's safe?"
"Yeah, cops are too busy to be dealing with tiny little robbers like me anyway. They're looking for murders and stuff, I guess."
"Oh, that reminds me, isn't there a murderer on the loose in this area?"
"Who told you that?"
"The tv." He said, pointing at the tiny tv in the corner of his room. The tv said "BREAKING NEWS" and showed a reporter saying that there was a murderer loose in our area and showed what he looked like. He has a beard and a big bald head with cold dead eyes. Last time the cops saw him, he was wearing a striped shirt and black pants. Then he told everyone to stay inside until the murderer was captured.
"Wait, shouldn't your friends be inside then?" You asked, looking at him. He hesitated and looked down, trying to think about it.
"Uhhhh....Wait-yeah! It's dangerous to be out there!"
"Shouldn't we save them then~?"
"We can just call them and tell them about it."
"Yeah, that too, but what if they don't pick up because they're busy being MURDERED."
"Ah! You're right, we should do something better than just calling them!"
"Yeah, so let's gooOoOOOOO!" You YELLED, heading for the door.
"HEY, hey, wait! Put on a mask or something first!" Matt said, yanking your arm back.
Before you could run upstairs and put on a costume or some shit, Edd, Tom and Tord slammed the door open and walked in with a bunch of bags on their arms.
"Aw man!" You sighed; you wanted to go another adventure! Saving your acquaintances from some faggot that murders losers sounded ok, but now they were already home safe. Pissed off, you threw your bag onto the floor and groaned. The reason you did this was because you were always restless. You practically itched for adventure, and that's why you robbed that bank. To think that you'd be staying inside a house with these boring losers made you want to cry. Not only that, but you gave them a bunch of money.
"Geez, what's up with greedy sticky fingers here?" Tom said, placing the bags on the kitchen table.
"Kill yourself!" You groaned again, falling on the floor and hitting the floor.
"God, what a brat... Why did we let them stay here again?" Tom asked.
"Wow (y/n), you've really changed. Now you're pissed off all the time and you're loud." Tord said looking down at you. You wrinkled up your face into something that looked like an angry piece of shit. Then, he leaned over next to your ear and whispered " That's how I like 'EM." You stared at him with wide eyes and rolled away.
"Hey (y/n), can you put these bags away?" Edd asked.
"No!" You yelled, leaning against the wall.
"Let's do something fun!" You said, getting up quickly.
"No, we can't go out, there's a murderer outside. That's why we came here so quickly." Tom said, putting his hands into his pockets.
"Yeah, whatever, we can do something inside."
"Well, uh, actually, we can just talk! Let's find out about each other. Y'know, since we're letting you stay here and all. Does that sound like fun?" Edd said, looking around the group.
Hm, a chance to boast about the adventures you've had? Sounds good; but the downside is you have to wait your turn and wait for them to tell their stupid tales or some shit. No one gives a crap about what they've been through, everyone knows that. You just wait anxiously and ignore everything they've said. Even when it's your turn, they probably don't care either, by you don't know that. That's just go games like these work.

Matt X Reader lemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora