A date with Matt

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You were walking side by side with Matt in the park. He was glancing around awkwardly and sweating. It was pretty hot outside and he was wearing a trench coat over a thick hoodie; no wonder he was blushing.
"Uh, why are you wearing that?" You asked, pointing at his clothes. He looked at you quickly and looked around the park again, too nervous to make eye contact.
" I have to look my very best on a... A...." He seemed to be choking on his words and he started sweating. Hm. Is it possible for a human to malfunction?
You smirked and finished his sentence.
"... A date?"
He glanced again and kept looking skeptically everywhere.
" Y-Yeah, something like that."
" If you wanted to look your best you could've worn a tuxedo or something. " You said sarcastically.
He face palmed himself and mumbled " Why didn't I think of that!!" Under his breath.
You laughed and put your hands in your jacket.
" Whatever dude, you look fine either way." You smiled, looking away too.
He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck " Y-Yeah..."

Yoinks, this was so awkward. You should've brought a third wheel!!! Or maybe even a fourth wheel. First dates are so weird ughhhh.

" So how long did you date Tord?" He asked out of the blue.
You were a bit surprised he asked so boldly, which made you a bit intimidated.
" Ah. Uh... Like 2 years Or soMehtiNg." You answered, embarrassed that you ever dated him at all. The worst thing was... You two were engaged, but... Stuff happened.
" Wow!! That's a long time! The longest relationship I've ever been in lasted 2 days!" He said.
" MhmM" You said quietly. You planned to never tell Matt that you almost married Tord.

" Hello friends!"

You looked up at Matt but he wasn't the one talking- you were h o p i n g he was just doing an impression of Tord. You slowly turned to the sound and saw Tord walking towards you and Matt.

You sighed loudly and glared at him.
" What. Are. You. Doing. Here." You said through your teeth.
He smirked and put his hands in his pockets and walked next to you. Matt looked a little upset that he showed up but didn't say anything.
" I couldn't leave you alone, little bird." He said, putting his arms around you. You flinched and stared at his arm. Matt stared at it too and coughed awkwardly.

"Hey!..." Matt said, waving weakly.
" Hello Matt, I just came by because I was so bored...! I... Can stay, can't I?" He said in a slick voice.
You rolled your eyes and answered for Matt.
" No. Matt didn't invite you so get out you fuckin' commie." You growled.
Tord squeezed you tighter and said in a cutesy voice " Oh~ Feisty now are we?"
Matt looked somewhere else uncomfortably and you got tired of this shit.

" Look Tord, uh..." You thought for a bit and came up with a cute plan. It would be embarrassing and awkward at first, but it'd probably drive him away and leave you and Matt alone.

You escaped from Tord's grasp and stood next to Matt. You grabbed Matt's hand and forced him to hold your hip. Matt flinched and his cheeks burned a little. He looked so coNFUSED LMAO.

" I'm dating Matt." You said plainly.

Matt's face went red and Tord's eyes widened.
" What??" They both said.

" Y-yeAH I uh, I asked him out today and he said yyEs...!" You said in a very unconvincing voice.

Tord scoffed in disbelief, he wasn't falling for it.

Then, Matt scooted closer to you and raised his arm to wrap it around your shoulders. You looked at him, a bit startled; was he playing along?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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