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July 20th. Its the 20th of July and I haven't done almost anything this summer. I am on the other hand going to Florida the 22nd till August 22nd though and I'm super excited. Palm trees, sun, beaches, Disney World. I can't wait to go and a bonus, Charlie is coming with me. His parents said he should go and give them time to themselves.

Charlie is just gonna stay with us till we leave and he gets to help me pack. I have a suitcase that has all my clothes, tank tops, sweaters, pants, shorts, even a new black sundress. I have a carry on with a blanket and my I.D in it. I am of excited for this trip. "Is this all that's going in your suitcase? I think this is enough to last you a lifetime," Charlie said struggling to zip it up. I laughed and pushed it down while he zipped it. "Finally, now my prize for helping," he said laughing. I smiled and gave him a kiss. I ran downstairs just in time to watch my mom and dad leave. "We will be back later, we want to have a date night," my mom said. "Ok, have fun," I said. She shut the door and I ran to my phone on the counter in the kitchen. I heard Charlie and Jason running down the stairs to the backyard throwing water balloons at each other. I laughed and turned around facing the living room calling to order Chinese. As soon as I hung up and turned around they both threw a water balloon at my chest and stomach. "You guys are dead," I laughed chasing them.

We were playing with the hose and water guns and balloons until the Chinese came. We got it and went in the backyard at the picnic table to eat. "Jason, you owe my $10 and Charlie, you own me $15." They both looked at me and asked why. "I paid for your food, I can get money back," I said eating a piece of General Tso's. They shrugged and continued eating. When we were done we went back in the yard and continued playing with them. We were gonna go in the pool but I said no since we will be in one in Florida. That's when it hit me, like bricks. Jason threw a water balloon at me and I realized it has been a month. No, not a month, longer, its been longer than a month. I told them I was done and went in the house to shower.

"I'll be right back ok? Just stay here, I'm fine, I promise," I said to them after I had got dressed after showering. I went to the store and grabbed some things. I have to see what is up with this, I don't understand. I saw Jacob in the store and ran up to him and jumped on his back. He jumped and turned around when he saw who it was. "Ana! How are you?" I laughed and hugged him. "I'm fine, I'm good, I'm going to Florida the 22nd and I am throwing a going away party tomorrow. Do you want to come?," I asked. He smiled and jumped up hugging me. "Yes, of course I will, what time?" I had to think about that. I didn't know what time. "How about, 1:30?" He thought about it for a minute then looked at me. " I can do 1:30, did you invite Jane?" I nodded and looked at the time on my phone, 7:30. "Yeah well I got to go, I have things to do with Jason and Charlie for packing," I said. "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow," he said while hugging me then I left.

I got back home to see Charlie and Jason having a very intimate staring contest. "Try not to hurt yourself," I laughed. I ran up to my bathroom and shut the door and locked it. I have to wait like 10 minutes, why can't I just have it immediately? I waited and checked the time. Finally, time to check. I looked for my results. Oh my god. I can't believe it. That explains why I haven't had it.

I'm pregnant.

***Hey! So Ana is pregnant! I took an idea someone suggested and I got more ideas from it, this one is a little shorter because I didn't really have much to put in and I wanted to hurry and get to the good part lol I hope you like it, please vote and thank you, bye! :)***

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