A note from the Author 2

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Hey guys! I'm taking this time to give you some small updates.

1. I am writing about 1 or 2 more chapters and I'm ending this book.

2. I will be making another book, but I haven't decided on what yet.

3. I am trying to take time out to write more stories. The 9th is technically my last day of school but I can go the 10th if I want, so I am trying to work for extra credit to make sure I'm passing.

4. I am a little more depressed because of my sister moving. I am having a hard time doing much because of her move, which explains why I've been having a hard time posting.

And last but not least, I wanted to say please comment, vote, follow! Commenting me ideas and voting let's me know you guys like it and what you think about the book.

As always, please vote and thank you all so much for reading my book and even the authors note and this one. Thank you all, bye :)!!

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